1. The light and radiance are veiled,
And our religion is but ostentation.
١. قَد حُجِبَ النورُ وَالضِياءُ
وَإِنَّما دينُنا رِياءُ
2. Can the serpent be generous to people,
When shyness is hidden from them?
٢. وَهَل يَجودُ الحَيا أُناساً
مُنطَوِياً عَنهُمُ الحَياءُ
3. O evil world, we did not know
That your prayers are by the pious.
٣. يا عالمَ السَوءِ ما عَلِمنا
أَنَ مُصَلّيكَ أَتقِياءُ
4. No ignorant man will lie,
In you, there are no loyalists for God.
٤. لا يَكذِبَنَّ اِمرُؤٌ جَهولٌ
ما فيكَ لِلَّهِ أَولِياءُ
5. And O lands, walked upon
By the deprived and the wealthy.
٥. وَيا بِلاداً مَشى عَليها
أُولوا اِفتِقارٍ وَأَغنِياءُ
6. When God decrees adversities,
All your people are miserable.
٦. إِذا قَضى اللَهُ بِالمَخازِي
فَكُلُّ أَهليكِ أَشقِياءُ
7. How many preachers preached to us,
And prophets stood upon the earth.
٧. كَم وَعَظَ الواعِظونَ مِنّا
وَقامَ في الأَرضِ أَنبِياءُ
8. Yet they left while affliction remains,
And your illness of arrogance continues.
٨. فَاِنصَرَفوا وَالبَلاءُ باقٍ
وَلَم يَزُل داؤُكِ العَياءُ
9. A ruling has befallen us from the king,
Though we were originally the foolish ones.
٩. حُكمٌ جَرى لِلمَليكِ فينا
وَنَحنُ في الأَصلِ أَغبِياءُ