1. Alas, how poorly they nurtured and cradled their young!
They are all deceit, rancor and envy,
١. فَوَيحَهُم بِئسَ ما رَبّوا وَما حَضَنوا
فَهيَ الخَديعَةُ وَالأَضغانُ وَالحَسَدُ
2. And we are all in our pursuits like Abu Lahab,
Whose lineage never attained high status.
٢. وَكُلُّنا في مَساعيهِ أَبو لَهبٍ
وَعِرسُهُم لَم يَقَع في جَيدِها مَسَدُ
3. This world is not worth the blink of an eyelid that we dote on it,
Like a temporary bridge we use to cross over.
٣. وَما الدَنيُّ ذِراعُ الخَودِ نُمرُقُه
مِثلَ السَنيِّ ذِراعَ الجِسرِ يَتَّسِدُ
4. The body is to the soul like a tent it inhabits
And cannot stand when the body is destroyed.
٤. وَالجِسمُ لِلرَوحِ مِثلُ الرَبعِ تَسكُنُهُ
وَما تُقيمُ إِذا ما خُرِّبَ الجَسَدُ
5. And so it has been with the people of earth since they were created;
Let no ignorant man think they have decayed.
٥. وَهَكَذا كانَ أَهلُ الأَرضِ مُذ فُطِروا
فَلا يَظُنُّ جَهولٌ أَنَّهُم فَسَدوا
6. You and the meadow receive no showers from the clouds
Wherein are bedding for the wanderers and pillows.
٦. ما أَنتَ وَالرَوضَ تَلقى مِن غَمائِمِهِ
فيهِ المَفارِشُ لِلثاوَينَ وَالوَسَدُ
7. As if the rain clouds in their regions were pierced
So that the bull and lion Drink their fill of water.
٧. كَأَنَّما شُبَّ في أَقطارِهِ قُطُرٌ
بِالغَيثِ أَن بالَ فيهِ الثَورُ وَالأَسَدُ
8. The people of the desert are anxious in their lives,
And separation never leaves the people of Najd.
٨. أَهلُ البَسيطَةِ في هَمٍّ حَياتُهُمُ
وَلا يُفارِقُ أَهلَ النَجدَةِ النَجَدُ