1. I sought virtues, but found only words,
As though we two will forever stay,
١. طَلَبتُ مَكارِماً فَأَجدتُ لَفظاً
كَأَنّا خالِدانِ عَلى الزَمانِ
2. All that the living say will be forgot,
And the Syrian confused with the Yemenite.
٢. سَيُنسى كُلُّ ما الأَحياءُ فيهِ
وَيَختَلِطُ الشَآمي بِاليَماني
3. Yet I pretended to be virtuous, and was clad with disgrace,
Who will protect you from your wickedness?
٣. وَرُمتُ تَجَمُّلاً فَكُسيتُ شَيناً
وَمَن لَكَ مِن شُرورِكَ بِالأَمانِ
4. The accidents of time are troubles,
That turn truths into wishes.
٤. وَإِنَّ حَوادِثَ الأَيّامِ نُكدٌ
يُصَيِّرنَ الحَقائِقَ كَالأَماني
5. My pledge is that all things will pass away,
Except He who is not bound by pledge.
٥. ضَماني أَن سَيَنفَدُ كُلُّ شَيءٍ
سِوى مَن لَيسَ يَدخُلُ في الضَمانِ
6. I wondered whether the fish or its brother
Were informed of their immortal genesis.
٦. وَما خِلتُ السِماكَ وَلا أَخاهُ
عَلى خَلقَيهِما لا يَهرَمانِ
7. I know not if they know, like I know,
Of this thing, or know not.
٧. وَما أَدري أَعِلمُهُما كَعِلمي
بِهَذا الأَمرِ أَم لا يَعلَمانِ
8. Do the two sleepers have a moment of tranquility
With their goblets entertaining each other?
٨. فَهَل لِلفَرقَدَينِ سُلافُ راحٍ
عَلى كاساتِها يَتَنادَمانِ
9. If they understand the speech of fate like me,
Then they are not fortunate with its favors.
٩. وَإِن فَهِما خِطابَ الدَهرِ مِثلي
فَما سَعِدا بِما يَمنيهِ مانِ
10. I roam away from them, a guide to three,
Driving them, or a guide to eight.
١٠. وَأَروَحُ مِنهُما حادي ثَلاثٍ
يَسوقَهُنَّ أَو حادي ثَمانِ
11. Who am I to be a maverick of a flock,
Or a starling frequenting a jujube or pomegranate tree?
١١. وَمَن لي أَن أَكونَ طَريدَ سِربٍ
سَما لي خِدنُ سِنبِسَ أَو رَماني
12. Did you not see me when people wearied my soul,
And fate revealed me openly, though I was hidden?
١٢. أَلَم تَرَني كَمَيتُ الناسَ نَفسي
فَأَظهَرَني القَضاءُ وَما كَماني