1. Raise or lower your vessel for the young man has a fate
That makes him endure without armor or shield
١. إِرفَع مِجَنَّكَ أَو ضَع لِلفَتى قَدَرٌ
يُلِمُّ بِالنَفسِ دونَ الدَرعِ وَالتُرُسِ
2. For leadership and the leader are both
The origin of grudges, so do not lead or shield
٢. إِنَّ الرِئاسَةَ وَالرَيسَ اللَذانِ هُما
أَصلُ الحُقودِ فَلا تَرأَس وَلا تَرِس
3. How often does the bell of the slanderer benefit me
Like the benefit of guards with bells
٣. كَم عاذِلٍ جَرسُهُ في اللَيلِ فائِدَتي
بِهِ كَفائِدَةِ الحُرّاسِ بِالجَرَسِ
4. Do not entrust a secret to a flute that will divulge it
With its ignorance after long silence and muteness
٤. لا تودِعِ السِرَّ مِزماراً فَيوعلِنهُ
بِجَهلِهِ بَعدَ طولِ الصَمتِ وَالخَرَسِ
5. A man has triumphed as the fates stand guard over him
And if you extend a palm to him, a vigilant hand will meet it
٥. فازَ اِمرُؤٌ باتَت الأَقدارُ تَحرُسُهُ
وَّإِن مَدَدتَ إِلَيهِ كَفَّ مُحتَرِسِ
6. Treat the old camel well, it will transport you
Wherever you wish, and honor the ten horses
٦. أَحسِن إِلى الناقَةِ الوَجناءِ تَبعَثُها
فيما تَشاءُ وَأَكرِم عِشرَةَ الفَرَسِ
7. Hold back your stick from the docile black one gently
And be kind to your servant at the station and stable
٧. وَاِردُد عَصاكَ عَنِ السَوداءِ ماهِنَةً
وَاِرفِق بِعَبدِكَ في المِصطافِ وَالقَرَسِ
8. It is best for the land that he dies so it can feed on him
And if he lives he will revive some of the four ruins
٨. وَالحَيُّ لِلأَرضِ أَن يَهلِك فَطُعمَتُها
وَإِن يَعِش يُحيِ بَعضَ الأَربُعِ الدُرسِ
9. A mother who has eaten him as long as she spent
On him morsels from crops and plantations
٩. أُمٌّ لَهُ أَكلَتُهُ طالَما بَذَلَت
لَهُ مَآكِلَ مِن زَرعٍ وَمُغتَرِسِ
10. He clung to the ropes of life, worn out,
And time with bitterness weakens the rope’s strength
١٠. تَمَسَّكَت بِحِبالِ العُمرِ مُهجَتُهُ
وَالوَقتُ بِالمَرِّ يوهي قُوَّةَ المَرسِ
11. Swaying over the one with fragrant camel hair
With its scent, and over the one with coarse camel hair
١١. وَالدَهزُ أَنحى عَلى ذي مارِنٍ أَرجٍ
بِطيبِهِ وَعَلى ذي مارِنٍ وَرِسِ
12. Your world becomes worthless when it is stingy
Like sheep fleeing a predatory wolf of evil
١٢. دُنياكَ تُضحي إِذا جادَت مُذَمَّمَةً
أَدالَتِ الضَأنَ مِن لَيثِ الشَرى المَرِسِ
13. He kept ambushing necks aggressively
And now he has become a horseman like an ambusher
١٣. مازالَ يَفتَرِسُ الأَعناقَ مُعتَدِياً
فَالآنَ أَصبَحَ فَرّاساً كَمُفتَرَسِ
14. She is the bride who showed her foolishness
So do not be fooled on her wedding night
١٤. هِيَ العُروسُ أَبانَت عَن سَماجَتِها
فَلا يَغُرُّكَ مِنها لَيلَةُ العُرُسِ
15. And beware the words of people that were withdrawn
Who meet the chaste with a cruel and fierce face
١٥. وَاِحذَر مَقالَ أُناسٍ كانَ مُنقَبِضاً
يَلقى العُفاةَ بِوَجهِ العابِسِ الشَرِسِ