1. When anger rages and every suspicion is inflamed,
And there is a touch that knows no rest,
١. إِذا ما غَضوبٌ غاضَبَت كُلَّ رَيبَةٍ
وَكانَت لَميسٌ لا تَقِرُّ عَلى اللَمسِ
2. Then they have attained the excellence of life and are counted
Among the noble and the brilliant.
٢. فَقَد حازَتا فَضلَ الحَياةِ وَعُدَّتا
مَكانَ الثُرَيّا في المَكارِمِ وَالشَمسِ
3. Fifty years I have spent uselessly
In putting off a day to gnaw on my five fingers.
٣. أَخَمسينَ قَد أَفنَيتُها لَيسَ نافِعي
بِتَأخيرِ يَومٍ أَن أَعَضَّ عَلى خَمسي
4. We hope for a return from tomorrow, though it comes,
And it would have been right to weep over yesterday.
٤. نُرَجّي إِياباً مِن غَدٍ وَهُوَ آيِبٌ
وَكانَ صَواباً لَو بَكَينا عَلى أَمسِ
5. This body has not ceased, since it left the earth,
To toil until it is returned to rot.
٥. وَمازالَ هَذا الجِسمُ مُذ فارَقَ الثَرى
عَلى تَعَبٍ حَتّى أُعيدَ إِلى الرَمسِ
6. Did you not see the days of the youth in their sermons
Whispering intimately or softer than a whisper?
٦. أَلَم تَرَ أَيّامَ الفَتى في عِظاتِهِ
بِهَمسٍ تُناجي أَو أَدَقَّ مِنَ الهَمسِ
7. The glories of kings were intent on their decline
Openly, and the traces of nobility on their obliteration.
٧. تَوَخَّت عَواريَّ المُلوكِ بِرَدِّها
جِهاراً وَآثارَ الأَكارِمِ بِالطَمسِ
8. It left not the old glory to a horseman
And missed no right from its valiant cavaliers.
٨. وَلَم تَترُكِ العِزَّ القَديمَ لِفارِسٍ
وَلَم تَرعَ حَقّاً مِن فَوارِسِها الحُمسِ
9. It showed you despite your nose the sword of the son of an unjust ruler
Its sheaths attached to the youth of resolve.
٩. أَرَتكَ بِرُغمِ الأَنفِ سَيفَ اِبنِ ظالِمٍ
حَمائِلُهُ مَوصولَةٌ بِفَتى الحُمسِ
10. And the blood of the rooster who makes the call to prayer became
For the people of pleasures a necklace for the mouth of an effeminate catamite.
١٠. وَصارَ دَمُ الديكِ المُؤَذِّنِ سُحرَةً
لِأَهلِ المَغاني حُسوَةً لِفَمِ النِّمسِ
11. I am not pleased that I, the son of Sasan, lord it
Arrogantly over the king in the palace, morning and evening.
١١. وَما سَرَّني أَنّي اِبنُ ساسانَ أَغتَدي
عَلى المَلِكِ في الإيوانِ أُصبِحُ أَو أُمسي