1. Life passes, so be kind to your parents while they are here
And a mother deserves the most kindness and affection
١. العَيشُ ماضٍ فَأَكرِم والِدَيكَ بِهِ
وَالأُمُّ أَولى بِإِكرامٍ وَإِحسانِ
2. Bearing children and nursing are lifelong favors
Not every person can attain such nobility
٢. وَحَسبُها الحَملُ وَالإِرضاعُ تُدمِنُهُ
أَمرانِ بِالفَضلِ نالا كُلَّ إِنسانِ
3. Respect kings and obey their ministers
For a king is to the land like rain is to the thirsty plain
٣. وَاِخشَ المُلوكَ وَياسِرها بِطاعَتِها
فَالمَلكُ لِلأَرضِ مِثلُ الماطِرِ الساني
4. If they wrong you, benefit comes from enduring it
And think of all the times steeds or horsemen protected you
٤. إِن يَظلِموا فَلَهُم نَفعٌ يُعاشُ بِهِ
وَكَم حَمَوكَ بِرَجلٍ أَو بِفُرسانِ
5. Has there been a time without injustice and oppression?
Whether lords of Persia or lords of Ghassan
٥. وَهَل خَلَت قَبلُ مِن جورٍ وَمَظلَمَةٍ
أَربابُ فارِسَ أَو أَربابُ غَسّانِ
6. Horses are only reined in when needed
By bits guiding them and by reins restraining
٦. خَيلٌ إِذا سُوِّمَت وَما حُبِسَت
إِلّا بِلُجمٍ تُعَنّيها وَأَرسانِ