1. My woes for you, O world, and my woes for me!
You destroyed the beloved, yet felt no remorse.
١. وَبالِيَ فيكِ يا دُنيا وَبالي
وَأَفنَيتِ الخَليلَ وَلَم تُبالي
2. You lured us with the ropes of death's snares
Through the threads that wit spun as ropes.
٢. أَغَرتِ لَنا حِبالاتِ المَنايا
بِما غَزَلَت ذُكاءُ مِنَ الحِبالِ
3. And four who found joy in every living soul
Were struck down by the arrows of fate.
٣. وَأَربَعَةٍ أَنِسنَ بِكُلِّ حَيٍّ
رَمَتهُنَّ الحَوادِثُ بِالنِبالِ
4. Aisha's charm, Nahezh's grace,
A corpse's pallor, veins bursting their dams.
٤. حُشاشَةُ عائِشٍ وَنَجيعُ نَحضٍ
وَهَيكَلُ مَيتٍ وَعُروقُ بالي
5. Like embers, a lamp in the night,
A loved one's water, a mountain goat's cure.
٥. كَجُذوَةِ موقِدٍ وَسِراجِ لَيلٍ
وَماءِ حَبِيَّةٍ وَشَفا ذُبالِ
6. If doves nest on every land,
Then distant are meadows and mountains.
٦. إِذا كانَ الحِمامُ بِكُلِّ أَرضٍ
فَبُعداً لِلوُهودِ وَلِلجِبالِ
7. And if a people's affection has gone from them,
No friends can bring affection again.
٧. وَإِن إِقبالُ قَومٍ زالَ عَنهُم
فَما يُغني المَعاشِرُ مِن قِبالِ