
Do your best when trusted, and do not drag

أجمل فعالك إن وليت ولا تجر

1. Do your best when trusted, and do not drag
The paths of guidance, for every arrival has a departure.

١. أَجمِل فَعالَكَ إِن وُليتَ وَلا تَجُر
سُبلَ الهُدى فَلِكُلِّ والٍ عازِلُ

2. For the sublime world, in what they have narrated,
Are attributes by which the stars' worth is determined.

٢. لِلعالَمِ العُلوِيِّ فيما خَبَّروا
شِيَمٌ بِها قَدرُ الكَواكِبِ نازِلُ

3. Do you see the crescent, though in it there is no surety?
It inclines towards its fullness and flirts.

٣. أَتَرى الهِلالَ وَلَيسَ فيهِ مَظَنَّةٌ
يَصبو إِلى جَوزائِهِ وَيُغازِلُ

4. And it meets with hardship that prolongs its suffering,
So for it are the lodgings of those who spend the night adorning.

٤. وَيَنالُهُ نَصَبٌ يُطيلُ عَناءَهُ
فَلَهُ كَساري المُدلِجينَ مَنازِلُ

5. And it stays for a night in the coveted house.
When it moves on, no misfortune befalls it.

٥. وَيُقيمُ في الدارِ المُنيفَةِ لَيلَةً
وَإِذا تَرَحَّلَ لَم يَعُقهُ الآزِلُ

6. The full moon - its light dimmed by clouds and the Pleiades -
Should be content if the transient Phoenix is ruined.

٦. وَالبَدرُ أَنضَتهُ الغَياهِبُ وَالسَرى
فَليَرضَ إِن يُنَضَّ الفَنيقُ البازِلُ

7. The fish, when it controls its spear,
Is a hero conversing with its like and contending.

٧. عَلَّ السَماكَ إِذا اِستَقَلَّ بِرُمحِهِ
بَطَلٌ يُمارِسُ قِرنَهُ وَيُنازِلُ

8. Were you certain before the prohibition that temptation
Is a distracter jesting with its neighbor and flirting?

٨. أَيقَنتَ مِن قَبلِ النُهى أَنَّ السُهى
ساهٍ يُضاحِكُ جارَهُ وَيُهازِلُ

9. The sun is a flirt extending its threads,
Thus the women of the world are flirts.

٩. وَالشَمسُ غازلَةٌ تَمُدُّ خُيوطَها
فَلِذاكَ نِسوانُ الأَنامِ غَوازِلُ

10. As for the stars, they are riders
Under time - do they have any descents?

١٠. أَمّا النُجومُ فَإِنَّهُنَّ رَكائِبٌ
تَحتَ الزَمانِ فَهَل لَهُنَّ هَوازِلُ

11. O excellent is the refined life, if tremors
Did not demolish the joy from afflictions.

١١. يا حَبَّذا العَيشُ الأَنيقُ وَلَم تَرُم
هَدمَ السُرورِ مِنَ الخُطوبِ زَلازِلُ

12. Days when the stars of the constellations are still young,
And the lion a cub, and the eagles fledglings.

١٢. أَيّامَ سُنبُلَةُ البُروجِ غَضيضَةٌ
وَاللَيثُ شِبلٌ وَالنُسورُ جَوازِلُ

13. You wished to be fortunate but often
Caprices prevented you from attaining your desire.

١٣. وَهَمَمتَ أَن تُحظى وَلَكِن طالَما
خَزَلَتكَ عَن نَيلِ المُرادِ خَوازِلُ