
The hidden five bring no pious youth relief

والخنس الخمس مايخلو فتى ورع

1. The hidden five bring no pious youth relief
From mischief-making demons in their chests that lurk and creep

١. وَالخُنَّسِ الخَمسِ مايَخلو فَتىً وَرِعٌ
مِن مارِدٍ في ضَميرِ الصَدرِ خَنّاسِ

2. Better to shun fools and their hostile acts I say
Than seek their friendship, so from people stay away

٢. عَداوَةِ الحُمقِ أَعفى مِن صَداقَتِهِم
فَاَبعُد مِنَ الناسِ تَأمَن شِرَّةَ الناسِ

3. When distant they would show me friendship kind
Yet when near, their graces they would hide behind

٣. قَد آنَسوني بِإيحاشي إِذا بَعُدوا
وَأَوحَشونِيَ في قُربٍ بِإيناسِ

4. Evil's the very nature, rooted in its seed
Ingrained in every race, its traits decreed

٤. وَالشَرُّ طَبعٌ وَقَد بُثَّت غَريزَتُهُ
مَقسومَةً بَينَ أَنواعٍ وَأَجناسِ

5. Recall the words, but forget what they imply
You who recalls yet comprehension lets slip by

٥. ذَكَرتَ لَفظاً وَأُنسيتَ المُرادَ بِهِ
مِن قائِليهِ فَأَنتَ الذاكِرُ الناسي

6. Transformed are they by news into beasts or worse
After men, a generation now of apes perverse

٦. تَخَرَّصَ القَومُ في الأَخبارِ أَو مُسِخوا
فَبُدِّلوا بَعدَ إِنسٍ جيلَ نَسناسِ

7. The essence pure ascends, leaves us below
Amid the many impure smears of dirt and glow

٧. تَصَعَّدَ الجَوهَرُ الصافي وَخَلَّفَنا
في الأَرضِ كَثرَةَ أَوساخٍ وَأَدناسِ