
Whenever you see a blessing like a safe ostrich

متى ما تشاهد نعمة كنعامة

1. Whenever you see a blessing like a safe ostrich
Grazing with a thousand protections

١. مَتَى ما تُشاهِد نِعمَةً كَنعامَةٍ
مُطَرَّدَةٍ تَرتَع بِأَلفِ ظَليمِ

2. Yet we fear torment in death, though we
Are people suffering terrible torment in life

٢. وَنَخشى عَذاباً في المَماتِ وَإِنَّنا
لَأَهلُ عَذابٍ في الحَياةِ أَليمِ

3. My determination did not lie to me, my determination
When people don armor of hardships

٣. وَما كَذَبَتني لامَتي إِنَّ لامَتي
إِذا اِدَّرَعَ الأَقوامُ ثَوبُ مَليمِ

4. Oh, if only my day were that of a disheveled worker
And my night were, out of agony, a peaceful night

٤. فَيا لَيتَ يَومي يَومُ أَشعَثَ عامِلٍ
وَلَيلي مِنَ الإِشفاقِ لَيلُ سَليمِ

5. I was not patient in time of ample grace
Nor composed when faced with ordeals

٥. وَما كُنتُ في الرُزءِ الجَليلِ بِصابِرٍ
وَلا عِندَ خَطبٍ هَزَّني بِحَليمِ

6. And I feel reason keeps me company at times
Then shuns me at others, not knowing at all

٦. وَأَشعُرُ أَنَّ العَقلَ يَصحَبُ تارَةً
وَيَنفُرُ أُخرى وَهوَ غَيرُ عَليمِ

7. Some people said Jesus is no intimate
So it was said neither is your Moses a confidant

٧. وَقالَ أُناسٌ لَيسَ عيسى مُقَرَّباً
فَقيلَ وَلا موساكُمُ بِكَليمِ