
Babylon is the gate of every affliction,

البابلية باب كل بلية

1. Babylon is the gate of every affliction,
So beware the onslaught of that gate.

١. البابِلِيَّةُ بابُ كُلِّ بَلِيَّةٍ
فَتَوَقَّيَنَّ هُجومَ ذاكَ البابِ

2. It brought about the estrangement of a friend and his abandonment,
And the harm of a companion and the separation of loved ones.

٢. جَرَّت مُلاحاةَ الصَديقِ وَهَجرَهُ
وَأَذى النَديمِ وَفُرقَةَ الأَحبابِ

3. Mother of passions, even if its flames are quelled
With her temperament, it matches a fiery mother.

٣. أُمُّ الحَبابِ وَإِن أُميتَ لَهيبُها
بِمَزاجِها وافَت كَأُمِّ حُبابِ

4. It stripped the veils of virtuous women and defiled
The vocation of slaves, gnawing at masters.

٤. هَتَكَت حِجابَ المُحَصَناتِ وَجَشَّمَت
مُهَنَ العَبيدِ تَهَضُّمُ الأَربابِ

5. And it makes white-haired elders believe
They donned, despite old age, the cloak of youth.

٥. وَتُوَهِّمُ الشَيبَ المَدالِفَ أَنَّهُم
لَبِسوا عَلى كِبَرٍ بُرودَ شَبابِ

6. And if you contemplate the events, you will find
The blows of fate are hostile to sensible minds.

٦. وَإِذا تَأَمَّلتَ الحَوادِثَ أُلفِيَت
صُهُبُ الدَنانِ أَعادِيَ الأَلبابِ