1. When life polishes the mirror of her mind,
She shows you not truly precious at all.
١. إِذا صَقَلَت دُنياكَ مِرآةَ عَقلِها
أَرتكَ جَزيلَ الأَمرِ غَيرَ جَزيلِ
2. So evil was your abode, may God keep you far away!
The worst lodger of all from mankind.
٢. فَبُعداً لَحاكَ اللَهُ يا شَرَّ مَنزِلٍ
ثَواهُ مِنَ الإِنسانِ شَرُّ نَزيلِ
3. One by one, all have gone from that place,
Will it too one day go, left vacant and bare?
٣. وَقَد زالَ عَنهُ ساكِنٌ بَعدَ ساكِنٍ
فَهَل هُوَ ماضٍ مَرَّةً بِمُزيلِ
4. A robe of shredded darkness amazes me,
With threads of radiant dawn, gleaming and fair.
٤. عَجِبتُ لِثَوبٍ مِن ظَلامٍ مُمَزَّقٍ
وَخَيطِ صَباحٍ مِن ذُكاءَ غَزيلِ
5. The days are many and they will not cease,
To bring regrets that mourners bitterly wail,
٥. وَما تَترُكُ الأَيّامُ وَهيَ كَثيرَةٌ
وِلايَةَ والٍ وَاِنصِرافَ عَزيلِ
6. Misleading even travelers mid-journey,
With wine more pure than stars when they pale.
٦. يُضَلِّلنَ حَتّى الرَكبَ يَبعَثُ بَزلَهُ
لِأَزهَرَ مِن صَفوِ المُدامِ بَزيلِ
7. And what can dust that eats all things divide
Between two bodies, one gaunt and one hale?
٧. وَما يَفرِقُ التُربُ الَّذي هُوَ آكِلٌ
لَنا بَينَ جِسمَي بادِنٍ وَهَزيلِ