
You have established the pillar of religion firmly in the earth

أخلت عمود الدين في الأرض ثابتا

1. You have established the pillar of religion firmly in the earth
And yet it diminishes slowly day after day

١. أَخِلتَ عَمودَ الدينِ في الأَرضِ ثابِتاً
وَفي كُلِّ يَومٍ يَضمَحِلُّ عَلى مَهَلِ

2. Suhayl, though the Yemeni denies it
It is not easy to command in the Levant

٢. سُهَيلٌ وَإِن كانَ اليَمانِيَّ مُنكِرٌ
لِأَمرٍ بِضِبنِ الشامِ ما هُوَ بِالسَهلِ

3. I disavow those of the sect
Who see permissibility of the unlawful for their own

٣. بَرِئتُ إِلى الخَلّاقِ مِن أَهلِ مَذهَبٍ
يرَونَ مِنَ الحَقِّ الإِباحَةَ لِلأَهلِ

4. So where is the brave warrior to be speared beneath it?
An elder or aged man with grey hair

٤. فَهَلّا خَشيبٌ كَي يُقَنَّأ تَحتَهُ
مَشيبٌ مِنَ الشَيخِ المُسِنِّ أَوِ الكَهلِ

5. And where is the sword of India against you and its ignorance?
Your jihad is better than the jihad of Abu Jahl

٥. وَأَينَ حُسامُ الهِندِ عَنكَ وَجَهلُهُ
جِهادُكَ أَولى مِن جِهادِ أَبي جَهلِ