1. The cheeks have unveiled their state at the abode of the beloved
And sought wealth from the darkness
١. أعَن وَخْدِ القِلاصِ كشَفْتِ حالا
ومن عِند الظّلام طَلَبتِ مالا
2. You made the pearls smile upon it
Why then didn't you make them grin with delight?
٢. ودُرّاً خِلْتِ أنْجُمَه عليه
فهلاّ خِلْتِهِنّ به ذُبالا
3. You said the sun is wheat in the desert
And one like you, who imagined and then became barren
٣. وقُلْتِ الشّمْسُ بالبَيْداءِ تِبْرٌ
ومِثْلُكِ مَنْ تَخَيّلَ ثُمّ خالا
4. In the mirage of the dunes, you craved
When you saw its phantom overwhelm the sands
٤. وفي ذَوْب اللُّجَيْنِ طَمِعْتِ لمّا
رأيْتِ سَرَابَها يَغْشَى الرّمَالا
5. May God spare you healthy, fecund she-camels
Whose years cause you to wean abundant young
٥. رَمَاكِ اللّهُ مِنْ نُوقٍ بِرُوقٍ
من السّنَواتِ تُثْكِلُكِ الإفالا
6. You have multiplied our moving
The smaller meteors were quicker to move on
٦. فقد أكْثَرْتِ نُقْلَتَنا وكانتْ
صِغارُ الشُّهب أسْرَعَهَا انْتِقالا
7. Your dangling breasts remind you of a breast
Its misguidance you did not intend as misguidance
٧. تُذَكّرُكِ الثَّوِيَةَ مِنْ ثُدَيٍّ
ضَلالٌ ما أرَدْتِ به ضَلالا
8. If the riding beast had minds
They would find you didn't restrain them
٨. ولَوْ أنّ المَطِيّ لها عُقُولٌ
وَجَدَّكِ لم نَشُدّ بها عقالا
9. I continued my journey with them as if
I wanted through them to break from life
٩. مُوَاصَلَةً بها رَحْلي كأنّي
عنِ الدّنْيا أُريدُ بها انْفِصَالا
10. They asked, so I said our destination is fortunate
And so the emir's name was good omen to them
١٠. سألْنَ فقلْت مَقْصِدُنا سعيدٌ
فكانَ اسْمُ الأمِيرِ لهُنّ فالا
11. Obliging of his horses, he hunts enemies
Making his forest long spears
١١. مِكَلِّفُ خَيْلِهِ قَنَصَ الأعَادي
وجاعِلُ غابِهِ الأسَلَ الطّوَالا
12. His firmness nearly
Plants terror in their hearts without arrows
١٢. تَكادُ قِسِيُّهُ مِنْ غيرِ رامٍ
تُمَكّنُ في قُلُوبِهِمُ النّبَالا
13. His swords nearly
Slither to their necks without being drawn
١٣. تكادُ سُيُوفُهُ مِنْ غَيرِ سَلٍّ
تُجِدّ إلى رِقابِهِمُ انْسِلالا
14. His excellent horses suffice him
Over fate, protecting and favoring him
١٤. تَكادُ سَوَابِقٌ حَمَلَتْهُ تُغْني
عنِ الأقْدارِ صَوْناً وابْتِذالا
15. Raised among ostriches in every abode
They grew accustomed to rhea chicks
١٥. نَشَأنَ مع النَّعَامِ بكُلّ دَوٍّ
فقَدْ ألِفَتْ نتائِجُها الرّئالا
16. And when nothing of animals raced them
They raced the shadows
١٦. ولمّا لم يُسابِقْهُنّ شَيءٌ
مِنَ الحَيَوانِ سابَقْنَ الظّلالا
17. You see their swinging hips shoot live coals
Like the wings of buzzards dripping
١٧. تَرَى أعْطَافَها تَرمي حَميماً
كأجْنِحَةِ البُزَاةِ نِسالا
18. The flames of hatred melted their forelocks
And so they mingled with the ashes
١٨. وقد ذابَتْ بِنارِ الحِقْدِ منها
شَكائِمُها فمازَجَتِ الرُّوَالا
19. They make the disobedient sons taste orphanhood undiluted
And leave the dried dates and sour milk
١٩. يُذِقْنَ بَني العُصَاةِ اليُتْمَ صِرْفاً
ويَتْرُكْنَ الجَآذِرَ والسِّخَالا
20. They do not hurl old camels as missiles
And they hurl the water-skins and saddlebags
٢٠. فما يَرْمِينَ بالآجالِ إجْلاً
وَيَرمِينَ المَقَانِبَ والرِّعَالا
21. They spare the singers disappointed
And obtain from the enemies what they can grasp
٢١. يُغادِرْنَ الكَواعِبَ حاسِرَاتٍ
يُنِلْنَ مِن العُداةِ من اسْتَنالا
22. They sell the inheritance of noble fathers
And they buy mature she-camels or young he-camels
٢٢. يَبِعْنَ تُراثَ آباءٍ كِرَام
ويَشْرِينَ الحُجُولَ أوِ الحِجالا
23. They raid the tents and tent dwellers
And they get the swords and spears cheap
٢٣. يُغاَلِينَ المَدَارِعَ والمَدَاري
وَيُرْخِصْنَ المَنَاصِلَ والنّصَالا
24. With them a youth whose resolve knew no boredom
Whose heart's intelligence dyed them all crimson
٢٤. يُمِلّ بها السّباسِبَ والمَوَامي
فتىً لم تَخْشَ هِمّتُه مَلالا
25. With what made silk an honor for them
Whenever he decides to whip a land with a whip
٢٥. ذكيُّ القَلْبِ يَخْضِبُها نَجِيعاً
بما جَعَلَ الحَرِيرَ لها جِلالا
26. He secures the delicate youths
When the sky waters the land with torrents
٢٦. مَتى يُذْمِمْ على بَلَدٍ بِسَوْطٍ
فقدْ أمِنَ المُثَقَّفَةَ النِّهالا
27. He waters it with showers of his swords
And it is wont to sacrifice while iron around it is doubtful
٢٧. إذا سقَتِ السماءُ الأرْضَ سَجْلاً
سَقاها من صَوارِمِهِ سِجالا
28. And his prestige suffices him for battle
So he destroys armor as clothing, and companions as brothers, and the coat of mail as fetters
٢٨. ويُضْحي والحديدُ عليه شاكٍ
وتَكْفِيهِ مَهابَتُهُ النّزَالا
29. He sleeps rested while the night calls
With the light of dawn, its Creator beseechingly
٢٩. فيُفْني الدّرْعَ لُبْساً واليَماني
صِحاباً والرُّدَيْنيَّ اعْتِقالا
30. When his right hand grows weary of the lengthy burden
It changes for the left
٣٠. يَبِيتُ مُسَهَّداً واللّيْلُ يَدْعو
بضوْءِ الصّبْح خالِقَه ابْتِهالا
31. It enlightened the perceptive with the light of resolve
And so it became like polished jewels
٣١. إذا سَئِمَتْ مُهَنَّدَهُ يَمِينٌ
لِطُولِ الحَمْلِ بَدّلَه شِمالا
32. The spinning planets saw justice in it
And so balance came to be in its elements
٣٢. أفادَ المُرْهَفاتِ ضِياءَ عَزْمٍ
فصارَ على جَواهِرِهَا صِقالا
33. A wing that fills the horizons with old age
Yet makes the desert seem like a birthmark
٣٣. وأبْصَرَتِ الذّوَابِلُ منه عَدْلاً
فأصْبَحَ في عَوَامِلِها اعْتِدالا
34. We wanted to hunt an oryx with it
But it cut through the ropes and cords
٣٤. وجُنْحٍ يَمْلأ الفَوْدَينِ شَيْباً
ولكنْ يَجْعَلُ الصّحْرَاءَ خَالا
35. And a mounted specter dozed
Saving us from visiting and attaining
٣٥. أرَدنا أن نَصِيدَ به مَهاةً
فقَطَّعَتِ الحبَائِلَ والحِبالا
36. Its lightning awoke the riders and horses and camels
Until I fancied its neighing was speaking and conversation
٣٦. ونَمّ بِطَيْفِها السّاري جَوَادٌ
فجَنّبَنَا الزّيارَةَ والوِصَالا
37. Otherwise, out of jealousy, crooked
It would see the gazelle and the young goat
٣٧. وأيْقَظَ بالصّهيلِ الرّكبَ حتى
ظَنَنْتُ صَهِيلَهُ قِيلاً وقالا
38. It senses when the specter draws near us
And prevents us from attending to specters
٣٨. ولولا غَيْرَةٌ منْ أعْوَجيّ
لَبَاتَ يَرى الغزالَةَ والغزَالا
39. The lightning of lightning bolts flowed after fatigue
And so it spent the night yearning, describing beauty
٣٩. يُحِسّ إذا الخَيَالُ دنا إلينا
فيَمْنَعُ من تَعَهّدِنا الخَيالا
40. It stirred riders and steeds and camels
And almost stirred the howdahs
٤٠. سَرَى بَرْقُ المَعَرّةِ بَعدَ وَهْنٍ
فباتَ بَرامَةٍ يَصِفُ الكَلالا
41. With them, their horses were skilled
And they were shooters, and their buzuls were separate
٤١. شَجَا رَكْباً وأفْراساً وإبْلاً
وزاد فكاد أنْ يَشْجو الرّحالا
42. He who accompanies nights teaches him
The deception of intimacy and impossible words
٤٢. بها كانتْ جيادُهُمُ مِهاراً
وهُمْ مُرْداً وبُزْلُهُمُ فِصالا
43. And changed catastrophes upon him until
It shows him motes bearing mountains
٤٣. وَمَنْ صَحِبَ اللْيالي عَلّمَتْهُ
خِداعَ الإلْفِ والقيلَ المُحالا
44. If only the youth of a people had been old age
If only their childhood had been full growth
٤٤. وغَيّرَتِ الخُطوبَ عليه حتّى
تُرِيهِ الذَّرَّ يَحْمِلْنَ الجِبالا
45. We accompanied in the wilderness, of a fortress
And a fortress, eviler than accompanying men
٤٥. فلَيْتَ شَبَابَ قَوْمٍ كان شَيْباً
ولَيْتَ صِباهُمُ كان اكتِهَالا
46. When people's guests are served pure
They serve their guests stale and murky
٤٦. صَحِبْنا بالبُدَيّةِ من حُصَيْنٍ
وحِصْنٍ شَرَّ مَن صَحِبَ الرّجالا
47. But in the capitals, from an enemy
Is a prince who does not burden us with asking
٤٧. إذا سُقِيَتْ ضُيوفُ الناسِ محضاً
سَقَوْا أضْيافَهُمْ شَبِماً زُلالا
48. When it flaps its wings to the west
It ceases from his tongues, assassinating him
٤٨. ولكِنْ بالعَواصِمِ من عَدِيّ
أمِيرٌ لا يُكَلّفُنا السّؤالا
49. If the morning sun could, it would return
Rising when it sees decline
٤٩. إذا خَفَقَتْ لمَغْرِبِها الثّريّا
تَوَقّتْ من أسِنّتِهِ اغْتِيالا
50. So say to its beauty above the enemies
If a horse does not find open ground
٥٠. ولو شمْسُ الضّحى قَدَرَتْ لعادتْ
مُشَرِّقَةً إذا رأتِ الزّوالا
51. You have narrowed your eyelids, weighed down
So four lively ones narrowed them
٥١. فقُلْ لمُجيلِهَا فوقَ الأعادي
إذا ما لم يَجِدْ فَرَسٌ مَجَالا
52. The current of it flows greenish
And greenish does not merit being humbled
٥٢. لقد جشّمْتَ طِرْفَكَ مُثْقِلاتٍ
فجَشّمَهُنّ أرْبَعَةً عِجالا
53. And its green may be wrapped in carnelian
If the prince witnesses it in battle
٥٣. أذَالَ الجَرْيُ منه زَبَرْجَدِيّاً
وما حَقُّ الزّبَرْجَدِ أن يُذالا
54. Lighter than the noble in hand and foot
And nobler among horses in father and maternal uncle
٥٤. وقد يُلْفَى زَبَرْجَدُهُ عَقيقاً
إذا شهِدَ الأميرُ به القِتالا
55. And every snorter in the head of an isthmus
Wishes it could be his likeness
٥٥. أخفَّ من الوَجِيهِ يداً ورِجْلاً
وأكْرَمَ في الجِيادِ أباً وخالا
56. The ingots wish they could become iron
When the iron is shod for it as horseshoes
٥٦. وكُلُّ ذُؤابَةٍ في رأسِ خَوْدٍ
تَمنّى أنْ تَكونَ له شِكالا
57. When the cloud does not rain upon a land
Then through your hand it relies
٥٧. يَوَدّ التّبْرُ لو أمْسَى حَديداً
إذا حُذِيَ الحَديدُ له نِعالا
58. If the winds blew west
And you told them, why not blow north
٥٨. إذا ما الغَيْمُ لم يُمْطِرْ بِلاداً
فإنّ له على يدِكَ اتّكالا
59. I swear, if you grew angry at abandoned ruins
They would depart from their places
٥٩. ولو أنّ الرّياحَ تَهُبّ غَرْباً
وقُلْتَ لها هَلا هَبّتْ شِمالا
60. If your swords loved the valleys
They would not miss joining with those they love
٦٠. وأُقْسِمُ لو غَضِبْتَ على ثَبِيرٍ
لأزْمَعَ عن مَحِلّتِهِ ارْتِحالا
61. If not for the defects in your sword
We would say it displayed counterfeiting
٦١. فإنْ عَشِقَتْ صَوارِمُكَ الهَوادي
فلا عَدِمَتْ بمنْ تَهَوى اتّصَالا
62. Offspring of fire, it clashed and clanked until
You'd think its father bequeathed it the flame
٦٢. ولولا ما بسَيْفِكَ مِن نُحُولٍ
لقُلْنا أظْهَرَ الكَمَدَ انْتِحالا
63. Polished in cold, you'd reckon it
Shed the stars of night and donned the crescent moon
٦٣. سَليلُ النارِ دَقّ وَرَقّ حتى
كأنّ أباه أوْرَثَهُ السُّلالا
64. Straightening the blade between two contrary edges
Makes its contrasting one of uncertainty
٦٤. مُحَلّى البُرْدِ تَحْسَبُهُ تَرَدَّى
نُجُومَ اللّيْلِ وانْتَعَلَ الهِلالا
65. Above it appears the sparkle of water
And in it you see the kindling of fire
٦٥. مُقيمُ النّصْلِ في طَرَفَيْ نَقيضٍ
يكُونُ تَبايُنٌ منه اشْتِكالا
66. Its live coals are an eloquent tongue
That speaks the wonders of death improvising
٦٦. تَبَيّنُ فَوْقَهُ ضَحْضَاحَ ماءٍ
وتُبْصِرُ فيه للنّارِ اشْتِعالا
67. When the prince is seen, and ascends
To the height of the atmosphere, demise is presumed of him
٦٧. غَرَاراهُ لِسانَا مَشْرَفِيّ
يَقُولُ غَرَائبَ المَوْتِ ارْتِجالا
68. And the red of death crept above him
But after it became flattened
٦٨. إذا بُصِرَ الأميرُ وقد نَضَاهُ
بأعْلى الجَوّ ظُنّ عليه آلا
69. Terror melts from him every rage
If not for the scabbard restraining it, it would flow
٦٩. وَدَبّتْ فوْقه حُمْرُ المَنَايا
ولكِنْ بَعدما مُسِخَتْ نِمالا
70. He who would have a friend other than a sword
Will find in its affection some deficiency
٧٠. يُذيبُ الرّعْبُ منه كلَّ عَضْبٍ
فلوْلا الغِمْدُ يُمْسِكُهُ لَسَالا
71. One thirsty, with no life in him
Is assured of the length of its carrier, so he lengthened
٧١. ومَنْ يَكُ ذا خَليلٍ غَيْرِ سَيْفٍ
يُصَادِفُ في مَوَدّتِهِ اخْتِلالا
72. Imagining each dark one a large pool
His throat rasped drinking the thick
٧٢. وذي ظمَإٍ ولَيْسَ بِهِ حَياةٌ
تَيَقَّنَ طولَ حامِلِهِ فطالا
73. You filled with it chests of people
Who then neglected their resentments
٧٣. تَوَهَّمَ كلَّ سابِغَةٍ غَديراً
فَرَنّقَ يَشْرَبُ الحَلَقَ الدُّخالا
74. For you to languish in magnanimity and loftiness
Is a perfection that taught the moon perfection
٧٤. مَلأتَ به صُدوراً مِن أُنَاسٍ
فلاقتْ عن ضَغائِنها اشْتِغالا
75. You, if calamities clung
To your sandal, would not cut the straps for them
٧٥. لِيَهْنِكَ في المكارِم والمعَالي
كَمَالٌ عَلّمَ القَمَرَ الكَمالا
76. You protected the Muslims, though clouds of heavy sorrows
Succeeded each other
٧٦. وأنْكَ لوْ تَعَلّقَتِ الرّزايا
بنَعْلِكَ ما قَطَعْنَ لها قِبالا
77. And you protected their dependents when every eye
Counts the blackness of its sight as dependents
٧٧. حَفظْتَ المُسْلِمِينَ وقَدْ تَوالَتْ
سَحائِبُ تَحْمِلُ النُّوَبَ الثِّقالا
78. At a time when neither lion nor master
Could stand ferocity, nor strive
٧٨. وصُنْتَ عِيالَهُمْ إذْ كُلُّ عَينٍ
تَعُدّ سَوَادَ ناظِرِها عِيالا
79. While you are greater than a feast whose
Return is celebrated, so you were lauded
٧٩. بوَقْتٍ لا يُطِيقُ اللّيْثُ فيه
مُساوَرَةً ولا السِّيدُ اخْتِتالا
80. And order the nights to pass in separation from its nature
To respond to your will compliantly
٨٠. وأنْتَ أجَلّ من عِيدٍ تُهَنّى
بِعَوْدَتِهِ فهُنّيتَ الجَلالا
٨١. ومُرْ بفِرَاقِ شِيمتِها الليالي
تُجِبْكَ إلى إرادتِكَ امْتِثالا