
The eyes and time are devastated

تلف البصائر والزمان مفجع

1. The eyes and time are devastated
More devastating and grievous than twisted eyes

١. تَلَفُ البَصائِرِ وَالزَمانُ مُفَجَّعٌ
أَدهى وَأَفجَعُ مَن تَوى الأَبصارِ

2. The youth reached old age and thought his time
Was old and blamed the passing of eras

٢. بَلَغَ الفَتى هَرَماً فَظَنَّ زَمانَهُ
هَرِماً وَذَمَّ تَقادُمَ الأَعصارِ

3. How many young women after youth
He saw in their weakness through the eras

٣. كَم عايَنَ الفَتَياتِ بَعدَ شَبيبَةٍ
عُجُزاً وَدُنياهُنَّ في الأَعصارِ

4. And I was cast with high ambitions though arduous
The bitterness of events made up for with brevity

٤. وَرُميتُ بِالهِمَمِ الطَوالِ وَغالَها
كَرُّ الخَطوبِ فَعَوَّضَت بِقِصارِ

5. And solitude in the deserts is a better company
For a man than his family in the settlements

٥. وَالوَحشُ في الفَلَواتِ أَجمَلُ عِشرَةٍ
لِلمَرءِ مِن أَهليهِ في الأَمصارِ

6. And if you become an observer in a home
You befriend the inmates under siege

٦. وَإِذا حَصَلتَ مُراقِباً في مَنزِلٍ
سُكّانَهُ أُلفيتَ خِدَنَ حِصارِ

7. Wisdom is the best supporter you call upon
So stick to it, it will suffice your few resources

٧. وَالحِلمُ أَفضَلُ ناصِرٍ تَدعونَهُ
فَاِلزَمهُ يَكفِكَ قِلَّةَ الأَصارِ

8. And man's contemplation makes his setting sun slope
And holds back his recklessness into descent

٨. وَتَفَكُّرُ الإِنسانِ يَثني غَربَهُ
وَيَرُدُّ جامِحَهُ إِلى الإِقصارِ