
Though they may drink wine, we only drank

إن شربوا الراح فما شربنا

1. Though they may drink wine, we only drank
The cool, blue drink in wine

١. إِن شَرِبوا الراحَ فَما شُربُنا
في الراحِ إِلّا الأَزرَقُ البارِدُ

2. Do not banish the beast, for the archer
Will not last long, neither the banished nor the banisher

٢. لا تَطرُدِ الوَحشَ فَما يَلبَثُ الصارِدِ
مَطرودُ في الدُنيا وَلا الطارِدُ

3. The sister of the lizard clan in her time
Was struck by a repelling, speeding arrow

٣. أُختُ بَني الصَرِدِ في دَهرِها
أَصابَها سَهمُ رَداً صارِدُ

4. She had two vineyards, one refused all irrigation
While the other was ever flowing

٤. كانَ لَها كَرمانِ هَذا أَبى ال
سَقيا وَهَذا أَبَداً وارِدُ

5. Solitude does not trouble its companions
For Suhail in its solitude is radiant

٥. لا توحِشُ الوَحدَةُ أَصحابَها
إِنَّ سُهَيلاً وَحدَهُ فارِدُ

6. And how many stars do you see in the horizon
That disdain to be thrown at by the giant

٦. وَكَم تَرى في الأُفُقُِ مِن كَوكَبٍ
يَعظُمُ أَن يُرمى بِهِ المارِدُ

7. You told me something, so speak truly
Where did this random news come from?

٧. خَبَّرتَني أَمراً فَقُل راشِداً
مِن أَينَ هَذا الخَبَرُ الشارِدُ

8. You must be truthful, for I have no share
In lies fabricated by the narrator

٨. عَلَيكَ بِالصُدقِ فَلا حَظَّ لي
في كَذبٍ يَنظِمُهُ السارِدُ

9. He who comes near the thorn bush to grab his clothes
Will be struck by its repelling branch

٩. مَن يُدنِ لِلشّاكَةِ أَثوابَهُ
يُصِبهُ مِنها غُصُنٌ هارِدُ