1. The zealots craved a drink, so they turned to piety
Yet they trot towards circumambulation through the valleys
١. خَوى دَنُّ شَربٍ فَاِستَحابوا إِلى التُقى
فَعيسُهُمُ نَحوَ الطَوافِ خَوادي
2. Religion has become corrupt in their minds, not composed of free women
Who are peers of trusting and faithful women
٢. تَوي دَيِّنٌ في ظَنِّهِ ما حَرائِرٌ
نَظائِرَ آمٍ وُكِّلَت بِتَوادي
3. If not for the dissenters' swords, you would not
Have to bear the zeal of the dissenters
٣. رُوَيدَكَ لَو لَم يُلحِدِ السَيفُ لَم تَكُن
لِتَحمِلَ هامَ المُلحِدينَ هَوادِ
4. Things have changed everywhere
And who attains his goals through generosity?
٤. تَغَيَّرَتِ الأَشياءُ في كُلِّ مَوطِنٍ
وَمَن لِجَوادٍ نائِلاً بِجَوادِ
5. The dark-skinned has no association in darkness
She was heedless of a journey in the dark
٥. فَما لِلسَوادي بِالمَعاشِرِ في الدُجى
لَقَد غَفَلَت عَن رِحلَةٍ بِسَوادِ
6. My mounts are not, by my consent, accustomed
To go on a journey except when they desire
٦. وَلَيسَ رِكابي عَن رِضايَ عَوادِناً
وَلَكِن عَداها أَن تَسيرَ عَوادي
7. In an abode, there gathered women whose anklets
Were like the delicate anklets of maidens
٧. أَتُجمَعُ في رَبعٍ قِيانٌ كَأَنَّها
شَوادِنُ بِاللَحنِ الخَفيفِ شَوادي
8. In a land we came from which eyes are averse, wherein are
Lands for the ugly matter are wide
٨. بِوادٍ نَأَت عَنهُ العُيونُ وَعِندَهُ
بَوادِنُ لِلأَمرِ القَبيحِ بَوادي
9. The rising sun does not resemble horses
Galloping through the field of wickedness
٩. وَما تُشبِه الشَمسُ الرَوادِنُ مُرَّداً
كَخَيلٍ بِميدانِ الفُسوقِ رَوادِ
10. And every rising horse is not immune when
Distributing them in a pasture for horses
١٠. وَكُلُّ رَوادٍ لا تُصابُ أَبيَّةٌ
مَتّى نوزِعَت في مَنطِقٍ لِرِوادِ
11. Did one of them, ever in life, kill Ghayda?
And do prostitutes have a refuge?
١١. فَهَل قاتِلٌ مِنهُنَّ غَيداءُ مَرَّةً
فَوادٍ وَهَل لِلمومِساتِ فَوادي
12. They separated the bare hills out of arrogance
Like valleys between sneering women
١٢. تَفَرَّعَتِ الجُردَ العِرابَ لِعِزَّةٍ
كَوادِنُ بَينَ المُقَرِّفاتِ كَوادي
13. The reckless go to them in the evening
Yet they are the opposite of beauty, wastelands
١٣. تَروحُ إِلَيهِنَّ الغُواةُ عَشيَّةً
وَهُنَّ عَلى ضِدِّ الجَميلِ غَوادي
14. The religion of a people whose wealth has no limit, yet their souls
Are towards decadent and disgraceful wastelands
١٤. حَوى دينَ قَومٍ مالُهُم فَنُفوسُهُم
إِلى الفَتَكاتِ المُخزِياتِ حَوادي
15. And there arose against the people of integrity supervisors
And the lands of the accusator were crowded with people of accusation
١٥. وَقامَت عَلى أَهلِ الرَشادِ نَوادِبٌ
وَغَصَّت بِأَهلِ المُندِياتِ نَوادي
16. I see a Christian monastery pretending
Devotion, but wolves are wastelands
١٦. أَرى دَيرَ نَصرانِيَّةٍ مُتَظاهِرٌ
بِنُسكٍ أَلا إِنَّ الذِئابَ أَوادي
17. Apart from the custom of ignoramuses which goes from them
While my public censure among them lasted for a long time
١٧. سِوى دَيدَنِ الجُهّالِ يَذهَبُ عَنهُمُ
وَقَد طالَ جَهري فيهُمُ وَسَوادي
18. And the lands know what remedy for creatures
Who pass the night scheming the worst for people
١٨. وَتَدري المَواضي ما دَواءَ دَوائِبٍ
يَبِتنَ لِرَهطِ المَرءِ شَرَّ دَوادي
19. Truly, when Duwad denied his sanity
He was not hated among the people of Duwad’s mother
١٩. وَإِنَّ دُواداً حينَ أَنكَرَ عَقلَهُ
لَغَيرُ مَقيتٍ عِندَ أُمِّ دُوادِ
20. I contemplate a vision in rose gardens - riders
Departing while they are still departing
٢٠. أَتَأمَلُ رَيّاً بِالوُرودِ رَكائِبٌ
صَوادِرُ عَن صَدّاءَ وَهِيَ صَوادِ