
You shoot arrows at the deer of the wilderness to hunt them

رميت ظباء القفر كيما تصيدها

1. You shoot arrows at the deer of the wilderness to hunt them
And he who hunts God's pardon has shot and hunted well

١. رَمَيتَ ظِباءَ القَفرِ كَيما تَصيدَها
وَمَن صادَ عَفوَ اللَهِ أَرمى وَأَصيَدُ

2. Do I find you - have you forgotten your companion in travel?
And all of them from the drowsiness of dawn are nodding off

٢. أَجَدَّكَ هَل أُنسيتَ صَحبَكَ في السُرى
وَكُلُّهُمُ مِن نَعسَةِ الفَجرِ أَغيَدُ

3. Old men who were unruly in their days, as though they are
Branches swaying on the howdahs of the travelling camels

٣. كُهولٌ عَتَوا في سِنِّهِم وَكَأَنَّهُم
غُصونٌ عَلى مَيسِ الرَكائِبِ مُيَّدُ

4. When dawn gives the eye bunches of grapes
Of a vineyard no hand has hoped to pluck

٤. إِذا الصُبحُ أَعطى العَينَ عُنقودَ كَرمَةٍ
مُلاحيَّةٍ ما أَمَّلَت أَخذَهُ اليَدُ