1. A family from Tameem became captive above their land
While their eyebrows are beneath the soil and their newborns
١. غَدَت مِن تَميمٍ أُسرَةٌ فَوقَ أَرضِها
وَحاجِبُها تَحتَ الثَرى وَلَقيطُها
2. By my life, their horsemen have become
As if their chivalry and protection were never there
٢. لَعَمري لَقَد أَضحَت فَوارِسُ مِنهُمُ
كَأَن لَم يَكُن مُروَّتُها وَوَقيطُها
3. They exchanged their weapons for their saddles
Thus blossoming the meadow they grazed and watered
٣. فَقَد بُدِّلوا أَجداثَهُم مِن سُروجِهِم
فَأَنبَتَ رَوضاً طَلُّها وَسَقيطُها