
Be content with what the devout approves for himself

إقنع بما رضي التقي لنفسه

1. Be content with what the devout approves for himself
And permits in life, a granter of license,

١. إِقنَع بِما رَضِيَ التَقِيُّ لِنَفسِهِ
وَأَباحَهُ في الحَياةِ مُبيحُ

2. If the mirror of your mind shows you anything but
What your intellect presented as ugly, reproachable,

٢. مِرآةُ عَقلِكَ إِن رَأَيتَ بِها سِوى
ما في حِجاكَ أَرَتهُ وَهوَ قَبيحُ

3. Make your actions the most proper that you intend
With reason, and the best of your words glorification.

٣. أَسنى فِعالِكَ ما أَرَدتَ بِفِعلِهِ
رَشداً وَخيرُ كَلامِكَ التَسبيحُ

4. Indeed events, they do not cease to have ebbs
The movement of stars, some lead to sacrifice.

٤. إِنَّ الحَوادِثَ ما تَزالُ لَها مُداً
حَمَلُ النُجومَ بِبَعضِهِنَّ ذَبيحُ