
Alas, they thrust their spears with no good intent,

لقد ركزوا الأرماح غير حميدة

1. Alas, they thrust their spears with no good intent,
So cursed are horses in battle that do not chase.

١. لَقَد رَكَزوا الأَرماحَ غَيرَ حَميدَةٍ
فَبُعداً لِخَيلٍ في الوَغى لَم تُطارِدِ

2. They conspired saying, an ascetic and son of an ascetic,
When he is but a rebel and son of a rebel.

٢. تَداعَوا فَقالوا ناسِكٌ وَاِبنُ ناسِكٍ
وَما هُوَ إِلّا مارِدٌ وَاِبنُ مارِدِ

3. The interpreter of stars kept mentioning,
An imam like a star in the gloomy darkness.

٣. وَمازالَ عَرّافُ الكَواكِبِ ذاكِراً
إِماماً كَنَجمٍ في الدُجُنَّةِ فارِدِ

4. None can unite the dispersed except the refined one,
Among the people, kept aloof above the aloof.

٤. وَما يَجمَعُ الأَشتاتَ إِلّا مُهَذَّبٌ
مِنَ القَومِ يُحمى بارِداً فَوقَ بارِدِ

5. When he attains what he hopes from Saturn, whose
Evil appeared, he wants not from Mercury.

٥. إِذا نالَ ما يَرجوهُ مِن زُحَلَ الَّذي
بَدا شُرَّهُ لَم يَبغِهِ مِن عُطارِدِ

6. If there is felicity in the world, it is only
Little, like the rarity of scattered remnants.

٦. وَإِن يَكُ في الدُنِّيا سَعودٌ فَإِنَّما
تَكونُ قَليلاً كَالشَذوذِ الشَوارِدِ

7. I see murkiness has covered all the springs,
So die or drink from the foulest of springs.

٧. أَرى كَدراً عَمَّ المَوارِدَ كُلَّها
فَمُت أَو تَجَرَّع مِن خَبيثِ المَوارِدِ