
If you have a virtuous wife,

إن كانت لك امرأة حصان

1. If you have a virtuous wife,
You are envied among the people.

١. إِن كانَت لَكَ اِمرَأَةٌ حَصانٌ
فَأَنتَ مُحَسَّدٌ بَينَ الفَريقِ

2. If you add wisdom to virtue,
Blessed is the fruitful branch.

٢. فَإِن جَمَعتَ إِلى الإِحصانِ عَقلاً
فَبورِكَ مُثمِرُ الغُصنِ الوَريقِ

3. Do not feel secure, for the soul
Is inclined to the unknown like the blowing wind.

٣. وَلا تَأمَن فَإِنَّ النَفسَ أَضحَت
إِلى النَكراءِ كَالريحِ الخَريقِ

4. Do not make your home openly accessible
To one who passes by the road.

٤. وَلا تَجعَل فِناءَكَ مُستَضاماً
بِمُطَلِّعٍ يَكونُ إِلى الطَريقِ

5. Misfortunes are but waves of a sea,
In which the living remains as one drowned.

٥. وَما النَكَباتُ إِلّا مَوجُ بَحرٍ
يَظَلُّ الحَيُّ فيها كَالغَريقِ

6. And whoever is not illuminated by the world,
I swear it will illuminate him with lightning.

٦. وَمَن لَم تُشرِقِ الدُنيا بِماءٍ
فَأُقسِمُ أَن سَتُشرِقُهُ بَريقِ