1. I have not seen you blame a mosque,
As if you were in the seventh heaven.
١. ما لي رَأَيتُكَ لا تُلِمُّ بِمَسجِدٍ
حَتّى كَأَنَّكَ في البَلاغِ السابِعِ
2. Glorify with one, for in it is eloquence,
For the pious, and each with five fingers.
٢. سَبِّح بِواحِدَةٍ فَفيها بُلغَةٌ
لِلمُتَّقينَ وَكُل بِخَمسِ أَصابِع
3. O first in unbelief, none was second to you,
Your hiding behind the fourth imam was long.
٣. يا أَوَّلاً في الكُفرِ لَم يَكُ ثانِياً
طالَ اِستِتارُكَ بِالإِمامِ الرابِعِ
4. And al-Shimr with you was successful against al-Husayn,
When he protected him from the gushing Euphrates.
٤. وَالشِمرُ عِندَكَ في الحُسَينِ مُوَفَّقٌ
لَمّا حَماهُ مِنَ الفُراتِ النابِعِ
5. And it is not valid for me that a flimsy entity,
Can be protected from the rebellious jinn with a follower.
٥. وَما صَحَّ عِندي أَنَّ ذاتَ خَلاخِلٍ
تُقفى مِنَ الجِنِّ الغُواةِ بِتابِعِ