1. Know that I am an ignorant man of conviction
Though I may have wasted the right of the scholar
١. عِلمي بِأَنّي جاهِلٌ مُتَمَكِّنٌ
عِندي وَإِن ضَيَّعتُ حَقَّ العالِمِ
2. Oppression may delay some who strive for it
Yet its vengeance lies with the oppressor himself
٢. وَالظُلمُ يُمهِلُ بَعضَ مَن يَسعى لَهُ
وَمَحَلُّ نَقمَتِهِ بِنَفسِ الظالِمِ
3. Why does the seeker of guidance roam the barren wilds
While another's pursuer has landmarks to guide him
٣. ما بالُ مَن طَلَبَ الهُدى بِمُفاوِزٍ
قَفرٍ وَطالِبُ غَيرِهِ بِمَعالِمِ
4. And a man in his waking state lies vanquished
Yearning for worldly things with a dreamer's eye
٤. وَالمَرءُ في حالِ التَيَقُّظِ هاجِعٌ
يَرنو إِلى الدُنيا بِمُقلَةِ حالِمِ
5. The brother of resolve forever struggles with his nature
You see him warring though he seems at peace
٥. وَأَخو الحِجى أَبَداً يُجاهِدُ طَبعَهُ
فَتَراهُ وَهوَ مُحارِبٌ كَمُسالِمِ
6. A sick man asks the doctor about his complaint
Hoping to be cured though he is not healed
٦. سَأَلَ الطَبيبَ عَنِ الشِكايَةِ مُدنَفٌ
يَرجو سَلامَتَهُ وَلَيسَ بِسالِمِ