1. Lines with no illumination around them
So he hopes for guidance in the lines' illumination
١. أَسطُرٌ لابَ حَولَهُنَّ جَهولٌ
فَهوَ يَرجو هَدياً بِأَسطَرلابِ
2. Do not judge me for what has spread about me
Indeed, your world is a mine of decay
٢. لا تَقِسني عَلى الَّذي شاعَ عَنّي
إِنَّ دُنياكَ مَعدِنٌ لِلخِلابِ
3. The coward may name his father a lion
While he is among the lowest of dogs
٣. قَد يُسَمِّيَ الفَتى الجَبانَ أَبوهُ
أَسَداً وَهوَ مِن خِساسِ الكِلابِ
4. And life is but the word of time, inevitably
It must change and turn
٤. وَالبَرايا لَفظُ الزَمانِ وَلابُدَّ
لَهُ مِن تَغَيُّرٍ وَاِنقِلابِ
5. The night was amazed by your joy in it
And sleep came to the eyes unsuccessful in desire
٥. عَجِبَ اللَيلُ مِن سُرورِكَ فيهِ
وَأَتى العَينَ ثاكِلاً في سِلابِ