
Ikrima, if you sing, you will find me a mourner,

أعكرم إن غنيت ألفيت نادبا

1. Ikrima, if you sing, you will find me a mourner,
So do not sing sweetly in the late evenings, Ikrima.

١. أَعِكرِمَ إِن غَنَّيتِ أَلفَيتِ نادِباً
فَلا تَتَغَنّي في الأَصائِلِ عِكرَما

2. With poetry that stirred in the times of ignorance those people,
And was pleasing along with the upright orthodox Islam.

٢. بِنَظمٍ شَجا في الجاهِليَّةِ أَهلَها
وَراقَ مَعَ البَعثِ الحَنيفَ المُخَضرَما

3. In Islam every innovator has raged,
And another corrupted has become euphoric.

٣. وَقَد هاجَ في الإِسلامِ كُلَّ مُوَلِّدٍ
وَأَطرَبَ ذا نُسكٍ وَآخَرَ مُجرِما

4. My advice to you is sincere; I do not cheat you
With deceit, but I advise you with honor.

٤. لَكِ النُصحُ مِنّي لا أُغاديكَ خاتِلاً
بِمَكرٍ وَلَكِنّي أُغاديكَ مُكرِما

5. When you areware of the falcon someday, so beware
Of the brother of mankind for days, even if he is forbidden.

٥. إِذا ما حَذِرتِ الصَقرَ يَوماً فَحاذِري
أَخا الإِنسِ أَيّاماً وَإِن كانَ مُحرِما

6. The misguided one makes for you a fatal necklace
Of blood that hides your fervor that is accumulating.

٦. يَصوغُ لَكِ الغاوي قِلادَةَ هالِكٍ
مِنَ الدَمِ تُخبي وَجدَكِ المُتَضَرِّما

7. And how many like you have his hands lead astray in the morn
Their youth, when they did not see fate as broken down.

٧. وَكَم سَحَتَت كَفّاهُ مِثلَكِ في ضُحى
شَبيبَتِها إِذ لَم تَرَ الدَهرَ مُهرَما

8. And it lived safely by the might of your wing,
So rising above the plumage became forbidden.

٨. وَراعَ بِقَهرٍ مِن جَناحَكِ آمِناً
فَظَلَّ عَلى الريشِ النُهوضُ مُحَرَّما

9. And the destiny may soon determine for a youth
That will ply a thread that binding you is obligatory.

٩. وَقَد يُبرِمُ الحَينَ القَضاءُ بِناشِئٍ
يُراوِحُ خَيطاً شَدُّهُ بِكِ مُبرَما

10. As the sultan has chained the pact of a crime
To take vengeance from it or to fine the fined.

١٠. كَما قَيَّدَ السُلطانُ حِلفَ جِنايَةٍ
لِيَقتَصَّ مِنهُ أَو لِيُغرِمَ مَغرَما

11. So visit and spend the night in every desolate place,
Otherwise, settle behind that frustrated.

١١. فَزوري وَبارَ القَفرِ مِن كُلِّ وابِرٍ
وَإِلّا فَرومي خَلفَ ذَلِكَ مَخرَما

12. Where you will meet the needy companion
And the rainwater fresh and green.

١٢. بِحَيثُ تُوافينَ الصَحابِيَّ مُعوزاً
مِنَ الناسِ وَالماءَ السَحابِيَّ خِضرِما

13. And adorn yourself with a belt, if you can attain it
Then before it waste your life that is passing away.

١٣. وَحِلّي بِقافٍ إِن أَطَقتِ بُلوغَهُ
فَأَفني لَدَيهِ عُمرَكِ المُتَصَرِّما