
He yearned in the darkness of night though unwell, perhaps

عوى في سواد الليل عاف لعله

1. He yearned in the darkness of night though unwell, perhaps
His call will be answered, but how when home is far?

١. عَوى في سَوادِ اللَيلِ عافٍ لَعَلَّهُ
يُجابُ وَأَنّى وَالدِيارُ عَوافي

2. Not so, when the envious have eyes
That are eager to see a harmless man suffer.

٢. وَلَيسَ إِذا الحُسّادُ كانَت عُيونَهُمُ
شَوافِنَ لِلداءِ الدَفينِ شَوافي

3. Horses gathered at a king's door
Though it was not time for departure.

٣. صَوافِنُ خَيلٍ عِندَ بابِ مُمَلَّكٍ
جُمِعنَ وَما أَوقاتُهُ بِصَوافي

4. Your secret is like a wedding that was meant for one
Yet was lacking for both companions.

٤. وَسِرُّكَ مِثلُ العِرسِ أَوفَت لِواحِدٍ
وَأَعوَزَها لِلصاحِبينَ تَوافي

5. Some people's secrets seemed to the beholder
Like the secrets of another's hidden palm.

٥. وَأَسرارُ بَعضِ الناسِ باتَت لِناظِرٍ
كَأَسرارِ كَفٍّ غَيرِهِنَّ خَوافي

6. The seals of a man's deeds, if he seeks guidance,
Guide him, else worries throng him.

٦. خَواتِمُ أَعمالِ الفَتى إِن بَغى الهُدى
هَدَتهُ وَإِلّا فَالهُمومُ ضَوافي

7. Our lives are verses of poetry, as though
Their rhymed endings are for the reciters.

٧. وَأَعمارُنا أَبياتُ شِعرٍ كَأَنَّما
أَواخِرُها لِلمُنشِدينَ قَوافي

8. If good, they adorn, if bad, they hurt,
Evil and passion in what is ruined.

٨. إِذا حَسُنَت زانَت وَإِن قَبُحَت جَنَت
أَذىً وَهَواً فيما يَسوءُ هَوافي

9. A hater intended harm to me, while before him
Were calamities to affirm resentments.

٩. نَوى فِيَّ باغٍ ما يَضِرُّ وَدونَهُ
خُطوبٌ لِإيجابِ الحُقودِ نَوافي

10. How many desiring ones met with fortune though they neared
The winds of desolation that bowed them.

١٠. وَكَم طالِبٍ وافى وَقَد شارَفَ الغِنى
سَوافِيَ ريحٍ فَاِنثَنى بِسُوافِ

11. The cycles of wealth bestow generosity on its people
With gentleness, so they have no need to roam.

١١. طَوافِيَ دُرٍّ يَمنَحُ الجَدُّ أَهلَهُ
بِرِفقٍ فَيَغني عَن سُرىً وَطَوافِ

12. He found refuge in prosperity, content with grace,
While the unsuccessful blame their mounts.

١٢. حَوى في رَخاءٍ وادِعٌ فَضلَ نِعمَةٍ
عَداها مُكِلٌ وَالرِكابُ حَوافي