
My bed is placed higher than the full moon

أفوق البدر يوضع لي مهاد

1. My bed is placed higher than the full moon
And the Pleiades are under my hand as a pillow

١. أفَوْقَ البَدْرِ يُوضَعُ لي مِهَادُ
أمِ الجوْزاءُ تحْتَ يدِي وِسادُ

2. I became content, so I neglected that the stars are beneath me
Contentment and struggle are equal

٢. قَنِعْتُ فخِلْتُ أنّ النجْمَ دوني
وسِيّانِ التّقَنّعُ والجِهادُ

3. And youth delighted me one morning after it turned away
I wish its years were a voice that could be brought back

٣. وأطْرَبَني الشّبابُ غَداةَ ولّى
فليْتَ سِنِيهِ صوْتٌ يُسْتَعادُ

4. And youth that is missed cannot be regained after white hair
With a staff held by a lame brother

٤. وليس صِبا يُفادُ وراء شيْبٍ
بأعْوَزَ مِن أخي ثِقَةٍ يُفادُ

5. It is as if wherever darkness gathers beneath me
Slow down O critic behind me

٥. كأني حيثُ يَنْشا الدَّجْنُ تحتي
فها أنا لا أُطَلّ ولا أُجادُ

6. To inform me when inanimate objects spoke
Foolishness protected people, patience is wisdom

٦. رُوَيْدَكَ أيّها العاوي ورائي
لتُخْبِرَني متى نَطَقَ الجَمادُ

7. And madness in which there is benefit, guidance
Am I silent and eloquence is just my speech?

٧. سِفاهٌ ذادَ عنْكَ الناسَ حِلْمٌ
وَغَيٌّ فيه مَنْفَعَةٌ رَشادُ

8. Am I content and contentment is my habit?
And I meet death before the mounts are exhausted

٨. أأخْمُلُ والنّبَاهَةُ فيّ لَفْظٌ
وأُقْتِرُ والقَناعَةُ لي عَتادُ

9. By my needs and the horses have not tired
And if it was said "Ask for nobility," we would say

٩. وألْقى الموْتَ لم تَخِدِ المَطايا
بحاجاتي ولم تَجِفِ الجِيادُ

10. "May the prince live and we not be given more"
It complained, so I complained of the world and it extended

١٠. ولو قِيل اسْألوا شَرَفاً لقُلْنا
يَعيشُ لنا الأميرُ ولا نُزادُ

11. With its inhabitants, the deep valleys and the open plains
And the spears were thunderous and fearful because of that

١١. شكَا فتَشكّتِ الدّنيا ومادَتْ
بأهْلِيهَا الغَوَائِرُ والنّجادُ

12. As well the wailing women in mourning
And how can a heart settle in ribs

١٢. وأُرْعِدَتِ القنا زَمَعاً وخَوْفاً
لذلك والمُهنّدَةُ الحِدادُ

13. When the countries trembled due to its illness?
He built from the essence of the exalted a house

١٣. وكيفَ يَقِرّ قلْبٌ في ضُلوعٍ
وقد رَجَفَتْ لِعِلّتِهِ البِلادُ

14. As if the pillars for him were the Nayyirat
When the morning sun looked at it

١٤. بَنى من جَوْهَرِ العَلْياء بيْتاً
كأنّ النّيّراتِ له عِمادُ

15. It admitted that its own dress was mourning
So had it not been for God, the people would have said

١٥. إذا شَمسُ الضّحَى نَظَرَتْ إليه
أقَرّتْ أنّ حُلّتَها حِدادُ

16. With it, the seven planets became eight
I am more jealous of it than Ghassan is jealous

١٦. فلولا اللهُ قال الناس أضْحَتْ
ثمانِيَةً به السّبْعُ الشّدادُ

17. The tribes of Iram and Aad submit to their glory
The clan of Jafnah's possessions brought them

١٧. أغَرُّ نَمَتْهُ من غَسّانَ غُرّ
تَدِينُ لعِزّهِمْ إرَمٌ وعادُ

18. To the Byzantines, obstinacy and stubbornness
Quraysh wanted to restrain them

١٨. بَنُو أمْلاكِ جَفْنَةَ قَرّبَتْهُمْ
إلى الرّومِ اللّجَاجَةُ والعِنادُ

19. And leadership could not be attained from them
Their leaders choke the air with bellowing

١٩. أرادَتْ أن تُقِيدَهُمُ قُرَيْشٌ
وكانوا لا يُنالُ لهم قِيادُ

20. And above the ground are bodies without souls
It made its valleys a wasteland

٢٠. أقائِدَها تُغِصّ الجوّ نَقْعاً
وفوْقَ الأرضِ من عَلَقٍ جِسادُ

21. And exhaustion and contention dried it out
Adorned with the necklaces of enemies

٢١. وقد أدْمَتْ هَوادِيَها العَوالي
وأنْضَبَها التّطَاوُلُ والطّرادُ

22. As if the pearls were adorned with locusts
Upon it are those wearing for every fray

٢٢. مُقَلَّدَةً بهاماتِ الأعادي
كما بالدُّرَ قُلّدَتِ الخِرَادُ

23. Armors, the closing of whose eyes is sleep
It tore them like the doors of wall-less enclosures

٢٣. عليها اللابِسُونَ لكُلّ هَيْجٍ
بُرُوداً غُمْضُ لابسِها سُهادُ

24. And the locusts sewed them with their eyes
To you every riding party bent its course

٢٤. كأبْوابِ الأراقِمِ مَزّقَتْها
فخَاطَتْها بأعْيُنِهَا الجَرَادُ

25. Traveling far and wandering became their custom
And a dawn in which we passed the night about it

٢٥. إليكَ طَوَى المَفاوِزَ كلُّ رَكْبٍ
سَمَا بِهمِ التّغَرّبُ والبعادُ

26. As ashes are stripped off the fire
He announced the darkness with it from every illness

٢٦. وإصْباحٍ فَلَيْنا اللّيلَ عنه
كما يُفْلى عن النّارِ الرّمادُ

27. And its planet that does not get restored is sick
And if the dawn emerged, it would uncover him

٢٧. أبلّ به الدّجى مِن كلّ سُقْمٍ
وكوْكَبُهُ مريضٌ ما يُعادُ

28. From the darkness a mantle or shackles
The wild cats sought refuge with us begging

٢٨. ولو طَلَعَ الصّباحُ لفُكّ عنه
مِن الظّلْماءِ غُلُّ أو صِفادُ

29. For the water whose abundance is guaranteed
Almost returning from the pupils of the mounts

٢٩. تَلوذُ بنا القَطا مُسْتَجْدِياتٍ
لِما ضَمِنتْ من الماء المَزادُ

30. The springs of their water eternally overflowing
So how many distant lands did we pass

٣٠. يَكَدْنَ يَرِدْنَ من حدَق المَطايا
مَوَارِدَ ماؤها أبَداً ثِمادُ

31. And our riding was all gentleness and calm
And from thickets the wind veers about them

٣١. فكَمْ جاوَزْنَ مِن بَلَدٍ بَعيدٍ
وسائِرُ نُطْقِنا هِيدٌ وهادُ

32. Fearful the brambles would tear it apart
And we would see the sparks of flint in them

٣٢. ومِنْ غَلَلٍ تَحِيدُ الرّيحُ عنه
مَخافَةَ أنْ يُمَزّقَها القَتادُ

33. But did not notice when the tinder ignited
If the whiteness of a person's eye were a dawn

٣٣. وكُنّ يَرَيْنَ نارَ الزّنْدِ فيه
فلم يُبْصِرْنَ إذ وَرَتِ الزّنادُ

34. There the darkness would not be illuminated
And a land whose beasts of prey made me their guest

٣٤. لو أنّ بَيَاضَ عَيْنِ المَرْءِ صُبْحٌ
هُنالِك ما أضاء به السّوادُ

35. There I wish their prey would be provision for me
So I would feed them to make them my food

٣٥. وأرضٍ بِتُّ أقْري الوَحشَ زادي
بها ليَثُوبَ لي مِنْهُنّ زادُ

36. And many a severed tie brings affection
I left it while I was sleeping and visited a land

٣٦. فأُطْعِمُها لأجْعَلَها طَعامي
ورُبّ قَطيعَةٍ جَلَبَ الوِدادُ

37. Whose dwellers warn against the befalling of sleep
I saw you angry when no forgiveness came

٣٧. ترَكْتُ بها الرّقادَ وزُرْتُ أرضاً
يُحاذِرُ أن يُلِمّ بها الرّقادُ

38. Even if the necklaces of gold were gifted to you
So you do not consider wealth other than money

٣٨. رأيْتُكَ ساخِطاً ما جاء عَفواً
ولو جادَتْكَ بالذهَبِ العِهادُ

39. With which you were presented violently or bound
And you spend every abundance you gained by force

٣٩. فما تَعْتَدّ مالاً غيرَ مالٍ
حَبَاكَ به طِعانٌ أو جِلادُ

40. For your knowledge that its end is exhaustion
You were accustomed to war until some people said

٤٠. وتُنْفِدُ كلّ وَفْرٍ حُزْتَ قَسْراً
لعِلْمِكَ أنّ آخِرَهُ نَفادُ

41. "Is there no peace between you two, but corruption?"
Armor dies before you, fate of the selfless

٤١. ألِفْتَ الحَرْبَ حتى قال قَوْمٌ
أمَا لصَلاحِ بينكُما فسادُ

42. And the coat of mail wears out upon your shoulder
You rode the storms, so you are not raced

٤٢. تموتُ الدّرْعُ دونَكَ حَتْفَ أنْفٍ
ويَبْلى فوْقَ عاتِقِكَ النّجادُ

43. And you blocked the two worlds, so you are not resisted
Whenever I shoot arrows to you, I aim them

٤٣. ركِبْتَ العاصِفاتِ فما تُجارَى
وسُدْتَ العالَمِينَ فما تُسادُ

44. As if your love in my arrow is integrity
Your excellence wards off from you the poachers of meanings

٤٤. متى أرْمِ السُّهَى لكَ أنْتَظِمْهُ
كأنّ هَواكَ في سَهْمي سَدادُ

45. To me, so who is Zuhayr or Ziyad?
When I repel them, men say

٤٥. تَذُودُ عُلاكَ شُرّادَ المَعاني
إليّ فمَنْ زُهَيرٌ أو زِيادُ

46. "Were not the stars impossible to hunt?"
Of those whom a talent supplied

٤٦. إذا ما صِدْتُها قالت رِجالٌ
ألمْ تكُنِ الكواكبُ لا تُصادُ

47. And thought and critique refined
And were it not for your excessive love

٤٧. مِنَ اللاّتي أمَدّ بِهِنّ طَبْعٌ
وهَذّبَهُنّ فِكْرٌ وانْتِقادُ

48. Neither the witty praise nor the constant would draw me to praise
The tongues of nights conceal you from me

٤٨. ولولا فَرْطُ حُبّكَ ما ازْدهاني
إلى المَدْحِ الطّريفُ ولا التّلادُ

49. As if in their consciences is belief in you
So if time intends a meaning

٤٩. تُوَرّي عنكَ أَلْسِنَةُ اللّيالي
كأنّكَ في ضمائِرهَا اعتِقادُ

50. Then you are that intended meaning
A fated one almost met his doom

٥٠. فإنْ يكُنِ الزّمان يريدُ مَعْنى
فإنّكَ ذلكَ المَعْنى المُرادُ

51. By your sword, he will have no return

٥١. يَكادُ مُحَيَّنٌ لاقى المَنايا
بسَيْفِكَ لا يكونُ له مَعادُ