
One of us acts badly, so he is constantly hated

يسيء امرؤ منا فيبغض دائما

1. One of us acts badly, so he is constantly hated
And your world continues to act badly and is despised

١. يُسيءُ اِمرُؤٌ مِنّا فَيُبغَضُ دائِماً
وَدُنياكَ ما زالَت تُسيءُ وَتومَقُ

2. Her love captivated the old man, the grown man and the youth
With ignorance, so she is glared at by all eyes

٢. أَسَرَّ هَواها الشَيخُ وَالكَهلُ وَالفَتى
بِجَهلٍ فَمِن كُلِّ النَواظِرِ تُرمَقُ

3. And she is not worthy for someone like her to be loved
But the son of Adam is a fool

٣. وَما هِيَ أَهلٌ أَن يُؤَهَّلَ مِثلُها
لِوُدٍّ وَلَكِن اِبنَ آدَمَ أَحمَقُ