1. More severe a punishment than a prayer you missed
Or a fast for an obligatory day, the injustice of a dirham
١. أَشَدُّ عِقاباً مِن صَلاةٍ أَضَعتَها
وَصَومٍ لِيَومٍ واجِبٍ ظُلمُ دِرهَمِ
2. If my religion had no day that pertained to others
I hoped for happiness, so understand
٢. إِذا لَم يَكُن يَوماً لِديني تَعَلُّقٌ
بِغَيرِيَ رَجَّيتُ السَعادَةَ فَاِفهَمِ
3. And I lived varieties of life, mature and vivacious
Oh what a life, like the dotted Yemeni sword
٣. وَعِشتُ صُنوفَ العَيشِ كَهلاً وَشارِخاً
فَيا لِحَياةٍ كَاليَمانِيِّ المُسَهَّمِ
4. And I wonder at the worthless being called excellent
And the camel called the generous sweating one
٤. وَأَعجَبُ لِلهَزّارِ سُمِّيَ ضَيغَماً
وَلِلعَيرِ يُدعى بِالجَوادِ المُطَهَّمِ
5. The disputing of people is nothing but a failing
Imagined from falsehood, fancied
٥. وَما جَدَلُ الأَقوامِ إِلّا تَعِلَّةٌ
مُصَوَّرَةٌ مِن باطِلٍ مُتَوَهَّمِ