1. The people may raise their voices if asked,
"Do you lower them?" And their reply may be,
١. قَد يَرفَعُ الأَقوامُ إِن سُئِلوا
هَل تَخفِضونَ وَقَولُهُم رُبَما
2. "We are made to drink boiling hot in the heat,
And ice-cold when the jars are cooling."
٢. يُسقَونَ في القَيظِ الحَميمَ وَفي
حينِ الصَنابِرِ بارِداً شَبِما
3. Those who draw water for their drinking
Stand erect, and those who draw with what
٣. الناصِبينَ لِماءِ شُربِهُمُ
قاماتِهِم وَالناصِبينَ بِما