1. They claimed that if what's masculine is made feminine, it won't lack masculinization
That's falsehood, for my tendency is towards life, a companion, and it remains plundering continuously
١. زَعَموا أَنَّ ما يُذَكَّرُ إِن قا
رَنَ أُنثى لَم يَعدَمِ التَغليبا
2. And death is like a lion that preys upon the living altogether, and does not spare the timid
Like what was said about Jarir, my eloquent friend who hunts the partridge and the lark
٢. باطِلٌ ذاكَ إِنَّ لُبّي إِلى الدُن
يا قَرينٌ وَما يَزالُ سَليبا
3. How much we quenched the thirst of the pigeon, drinking water or wine or one who's given milk
The towering, useful palm tree branches out from the backbone and inclines so it makes the heart compliant
٣. وَالمَنايا كَالأُسدِ تَفتَرِسُ الأَح
ياءَ جَمعاً وَلا تَعافُ الكليبا
4. An appointed divine decree called out to the Christians until they held the cross in high esteem
And the King of Abyssinia became king of people after he had intended to prepare a fleet
٤. مِثلَ ما قيلَ في جَريرٍ أَخي القَو
لِ يَصيدُ الكُركِيَّ وَالعَندَليبا
5. And the youth is like his name, the declension, this body experiences change and vicissitude
٥. كَم سَقَينا الحِمامَ شارِبَ ماءٍ
وَمُدامٍ أَو مَن يُسَقّى حَليبا
٦. تَفرَعُ الشامِخَ المُنيفَ مِنَ الشُ
مِّ وَتَهوي فَتَستَبيحُ القَليبا
٧. قَدَرٌ نازِلٌ مِنَ الجَوِّ نادى
بِالنَصارى حَتّى أَجَلّوا الصَليبا
٨. وَالنَجاشِيُّ صارَ مَلكَ أُناسٍ
بَعدَما هَمَّ أَن يُعِدَّ جَليبا
٩. وَالفَتى كَاِسمِهِ المُصَرِّفِ هَذا ال
جِسمِ يَلقى التَغييرَ وَالتَقليبا