
They squandered their treasures, so fate makes ready

أفنوا الذخائر فالقضاء مجهز

1. They squandered their treasures, so fate makes ready
Its hosts for the hiding place of the hoard.

١. أُفنوا الذَخائِرَ فَالقَضاءُ مُجَهِّزٌ
أَجنادَهُ لِخَبيئَةِ المِذخارِ

2. Do not scoff, for time and its people
Are but a mirage of the meadows of deception.

٢. لا تَسخَرَنَّ فَما الزَمانُ وَأَهلُهُ
إِلّا سَرابُ تَنوفَةٍ مِسخارِ

3. They boasted, though they were naught but pure gold;
How then when they are but of pottery?

٣. إِفخَرهُمُ وَلَو أَنَّهُم ذَهَبٌ صَفا
ذَهَبوا فَكَيفَ وَهُم مِنَ الفَخّارِ

4. The heavens adorned themselves with their lights,
While they lagged on earth, evil vapors.

٤. إِنَّ السَماءَ تَهَذَّبَت أَنوارُها
وَتَخَلَّفوا بِالأَرضِ شَرَّ بُخارِ

5. Though good may come late, like the date-wine
That ripens on the date-palm in late harvest.

٥. وَالخَيرُ قَد يَأتي أَخيراً مِثلَ ما
أَجناكَ يَنعُ النَخلَةِ الميخارِ