
If you wish for ease and tranquility

إذا ما شئتم دعة وخفضا

1. If you wish for ease and tranquility
Then live in the wilderness, inactive

١. إِذا ما شِئتُمُ دَعَةً وَخَفضاً
فَعيشوا في البَرِيَّةِ خامِلينا

2. And have no hope in people's nature
But place your hope in the Almighty

٢. وَلا يُعقَد لَكُم أَمَلٌ بِخَلقٍ
وَبيتوا لِلمُهَيمِن آمِلينا

3. And be kind to the young so they say
We were treated with goodness

٣. وَرِفقاً بِالأَصاغِرِ كَي يَقولوا
غَدَونا بِالجَميلِ مُعامِلينا

4. For if the children of dignitaries are taught well
One day they will become perfect men

٤. فَأَطفالُ الأَكابِرِ إِن يُوَقّوا
يُرَوا يَوماً رِجالاً كامِلينا

5. They aspired to rule but were unripe
And returned to the burdens bearers

٥. وَنودوا في إِمارَتِهِم فَجَفّوا
وَعادوا لِلثَقائِلِ حامِلينا

6. Do not show your enmity to a people
Who befriended you in life

٦. وَلا تُبدوا عَداوَتَكُم لِقَومٍ
أَتَوكُم في الحَياةِ مُجامِلينا

7. Do not settle for being called companions
And fraternize with relatives lazily

٧. وَلا تُرضَوا بِأَن تُدعَوا وُشاةً
وَتَسعَوا بِالأَقارِبِ نامِلينا

8. For judges have become biased
With just a glance, unjust

٨. وَقَد جارَ القُضاةُ إِذا أَشاروا
بِأَيسَرِ نَظرَةٍ مُتَحامِلينا

9. Perhaps people on earth reap
What they were sowing long ago

٩. لَعَلَّ مَعاشِراً في الأَرضِ جوزوا
بِما كانوا قَديماً عامِلينا