
People will ask what Quraysh and Mecca are

سيسأل ناس ما قريش ومكة

1. People will ask what Quraysh and Mecca are
As people asked what Jadis and Tasm were

١. سَيَسأَلُ ناسٌ ما قُرَيشٌ وَمَكَّةٌ
كَما قالَ ناسٌ ما جَديسٌ وَما طَسمُ

2. I see time destroying souls with its vanishing
And erasing whatever remains of talk and inscription

٢. أَرى الوَقتَ يُفني أَنفُساً بِفَنائِهِ
وَيَمحو فَما يَبقى الحَديثُ وَلا الرَسمُ

3. Indeed the people of the two encampments exerted themselves and then perished
A building for which no trace of its builder remains

٣. لَقَد جَدَّ أَهلُ المَلعَبَينِ فَأَثَّلوا
بِناءً وَلَم يَثبُت لِرافِعِهِ وَسمُ

4. And in this deluded world there is a stingy rich man
And a generous poor man, how different is their share!

٤. وَفي العالَمِ الغاوي بَخيلٌ مُمَوَّلٌ
وَسَمحٌ فَقيرٌ شُدَّ ما اِختَلَفَ القَسمُ

5. And a young man being with his tribe brings honor
Though the malady of fate has no remedy

٥. وَكَونُ الفَتى في رَهطِهِ نَيلُ عِزَّةٍ
عَلى أَنَّ داءَ الدَهرِ لَيسَ لَهُ حَسمُ

6. And a man's body is mocked until when he goes
To the earthen element, the body is not mocked

٦. وَيُرزَءُ جِسمُ المَرءِ حَتّى إِذا أَوى
إِلى العُنصُرِ التُربِيِّ لَم يُرزَإِ الجِسمُ