
The stars of night are like blue lances

كأن نجوم الليل زرق أسنة

1. The stars of night are like blue lances
With which all above the dust complain,

١. كَأَنَّ نُجومَ اللَيلِ زُرقُ أَسِنَّةٍ
بِها كُلُّ مَن فَوقَ التُرابِ طَعينُ

2. And but for eyes that pine with parting's pain,
Who, fixed on earth, had called the earth a main?

٢. وَلَولا عُيونٌ حاسِراتٌ مَتى رَأَت
مُقيماً بِوَجهِ الأَرضِ قيلَ مَعينُ

3. This dawn, with bared sword gleaming bright,
Who hath sped on the turns of time amain,

٣. وَلائِحُ هَذا الفَجرِ سَيفٌ مُجَرَّدٌ
أَعانَ بِهِ صَرفَ الزَمانِ مُعينُ

4. As though they by their king's curse were overta'en
And whoso thwarts his lord is cursed again.

٤. كَأَن قَد حَوَتهُم لَعنَةٌ مِن مَليكِهِم
وَمَن لَم يُطِع مَولاهُ فَهوَ لَعينُ

5. Lighter of spirit than eyes whose lineage
To man is lost through savages in grain.

٥. وَأَروَحُ مِن عَينٍ يَظَلُّ اِنتِسابُها
إِلى الإِنسِ وَحشٌ بِالمَهامِهِ عينُ