
He combined pilgrimage with 'umrah, and paired us

قرن بحج عمرة وقريننا

1. He combined pilgrimage with 'umrah, and paired us
With passion - so sighs burst from singing doves.

١. قَرَنَّ بِحَجٍّ عُمرَةً وَقَرينَنا
غَراماً فَآهٍ مِن قَوارٍ قَوارِنِ

2. Snorting she-camels above smooth-skinned young ones
With howdahs that sway with the swaying of howdahs.

٢. عَقائِلُ مُردٍ فَوقَ جُردٍ عَوابِسٍ
ذَواتِ أَوارٍ بِالفَناءِ أَوارِنُ

3. Their camel-drivers saw the messages of their lives
So delight in messages from swaying, singing camels.

٣. مَرى لَهُمُ المَرّانُ رِسلَ حَياتِهِم
فَأَعجِب بِرِسلٍ مِن مَوارٍ مَوارِنِ

4. When the soul is not restrained by shame or decency
Many a howdah sways the noses of the howdahs.

٤. إِذا لَم يَزُمَّ النَفسَ لِبٌّ وَلا تُقىً
فَرُبَّ عَوارٍ لِلأُنوفِ عَوارِنِ

5. And many a sword with which harm was averted
And spears whose blades pierce those who pierce.

٥. وَكَم مِن حُسامٍ قَد أُميطَ بِهِ الأَذى
وَمارِنِ سُمرٍ فيهِ رَغمٌ لِمارِنِ