
The end of the deceased is praiseworthy

عاقبة الميت محمودة

1. The end of the deceased is praiseworthy
When Allah spares the agony of punishment

١. عاقِبَةُ المَيِّتِ مَحمودَةٌ
إِذا كَفى اللَهُ أَليمَ العِقاب

2. The punishment of Allah is not like that for the betrayer
Like cutting off hands and striking necks

٢. لَيسَ عَذابُ اللَهِ مَن خانَهُ
كَالقَطعِ لِلأَيدي وَضَربِ الرِقاب

3. Rather it is continuous so beware
Whatever you wish will not be put down like a burden

٣. لَكِنَّهُ مُتَّصِلٌ فَاِحتَقِب
ما شِئتَ لا يوضَعُ كَوَضعِ الحِقاب

4. And His fire is not like the fires
That consume what they are fed with fuel

٤. وَنارُهُ لا تُشبِهُ النارَ في
إِفنائِها ما أُطعِمَت مِن ثِقاب

5. How many deeds have been neglected by a worker
Our Creator preserves them in waiting

٥. كَم عَمَلٍ أَهمَلُهُ عامِلٌ
يَحفَظُهُ خالِقُنا بِاِرتِقاب

6. Indeed I sank in my fortresses
Like an archer's bow stretched or part of a bow

٦. وَإِنَّما غودِرَ في مُدَّني
كَقابِ قَوسٍ مُدَّ أَو بَعضِ قاب

7. I wish I were vapor in my bones
Or a raindrop between an eagle's wings

٧. لَيتي هَباءٌ في قَناتَي لَأيً
أَو قَطرَةُ بَينَ جَناحَي عُقاب

8. Or that I were a muddy brother to a barren land
Whose drink is from the ooze of marshes

٨. أَو كُنتُ كُدرِيّاً أَخا قَفرَةٍ
مَشرَبُهُ مِن آجِناتِ الوِقاب

9. Your world is an illusion that has a tip
And its ugliness is hidden beneath the veil

٩. دُنياكَ وَرهاءُ لَها شارَةٌ
وَقُبحُها يُستَرُ تَحتَ النِقاب

10. O she-camel with a killer in her udder
Suckled by the young of lizards

١٠. يا ناقَةً في ضَرعِها قاتِلٌ
تُعِلُّهُ مُرتَضِعاتُ السِقاب

11. Has forgiveness descended on the grains of sand
Or are snakes dwelling on the steep slopes?

١١. هَل وَأَلَت مُغفِرَةٌ بِالذُرى
أَو أُفعُوانٌ ساكِنٌ بِالشَقاب

12. Alas for my weakness whether descending
Into the valley or climbing the steep cliffs

١٢. آهٍ لِضَعفي كَيفَ بي هابِطاً
في الوادِ أَو مُرتَقِياً في العِقاب