1. Talk of the wanton and wine's bitter draught,
And slain men cast before a mother bereft.
١. حَديثُ فَواجِرٍ وَشِرابُ خَمرِ
وَقَتلى يُطرَحونَ لِأُمِّ عَمرِ
2. Thus kingdoms fall and others rise anew;
So is the world - today one thing, tomorrow another.
٢. وَمَهلِكُ دَولَةٍ وَقِيامُ أُخرى
كَذاكَ الدَهرُ أَمرٌ بَعدَ أَمرِ
3. Death brooks no delay for any soul;
After it, souls are threatened with hellfire's blaze.
٣. وَمَوتٌ لا تُؤَخَّرُ عَنهُ نَفسٌ
تُهَدَّدُ بَعدَهُ بِصَلاءِ جَمرِ
4. By wine some men were deluded indeed,
Quenching thirst again and again with each goblet.
٤. وَإِنَّ الغَمرَ كانَ بِهِ أُناسٌ
يُرَوَّونَ العُفاةَ بِكُلِّ غَمرِ
5. Oh flesh, you who know, you're torn asunder!
To gather you against misfortunes is in vain.
٥. تَفَرَّقَ أَيُّها الجِسمُ المُعَنّى
فَجَمعُكَ لِلحَوادِثِ باتَ يَمري
6. In Khaybar I found fever aplenty,
But no soft dates nor raisins to appease my thirst.
٦. وَجَدتُ بِخَيبَرَ الحِمّى كَثيراً
وَلَم توسِعكَ مِن رُطَبٍ وَتَمرِ
7. In life you've known no true friend
Who shows you love, save for his own benefit.
٧. وَما عاشَرتَ في الدُنِّيا خَليلاً
يُريكَ مَوَدَّةً إِلّا لِقَمَرِ