
Goodness is like a watered palm tree, tended by

الخير كالعرفج الممطور ضرمه

1. Goodness is like a watered palm tree, tended by
A shepherd who protects it, and when forgetful slumbers, it withers not.

١. الخَيرُ كَالعَرفَجِ المَمطورِ ضَرَّمَهُ
راعٍ يَإِطُّ وَلَمّا أَن ذَكا خَمَدا

2. Evil is like a fire kindled in the night out of spite
Whose embers last for ages and are never extinguished.

٢. وَالشَرُّ كَالنارِ شُبَّت لَيلَها بِغَضاً
يَأتي عَلى جَمرِها دَهرٌ وَما هَمَدا

3. Do you not see the trees of sinfulness wearied?
They bear no fruit until the planter tastes despair.

٣. أَما تَرى شَجَرَ الإِثمارِ مُتعَبَةً
لَم تُجنِ حَتّى أَذاقَت غارِساً كَمَدا

4. Thorns grow in every land by their nature
Seeking neither rain nor irrigation channels.

٤. وَالشاكُ في كُلِّ أَرضٍ حانَ مَنبِتُهُ
بِالطَبعِ لا الغَمَرَ يَستَسقي وَلا الثَمَدا

5. Do not thank one who grants you dignity
Until you lean upon the giver for support.

٥. لا تَشكُرَنَّ الَّذي يُوَلّيكَ عارِفَةً
حَتّى يَكونَ لِما أَولاكَ مُعتَمِدا

6. Wield no swords to shed blood.
Your blades for this age are sheathed enough.

٦. وَلا تُشَيمَن حُساماً كَي تَريقَ دَماً
كَفاكَ سَيفٌ لِهَذا الدَهرِ ما غُمِدا

7. And spread among the people is a saying I'm unaccustomed to:
That men of high resolve have become few.

٧. وَشاعَ في الناسِ قَولٌ لَستُ أَعهَدُهُ
وَذاكَ أَنَّ رِجالاً ذامَتِ الصَمِدا

8. Can a man be praised if he never strove
For glory, and the noble were left unsung?

٨. أَيُحمَدُ المَرءُ لَم يَهمُم بِمَكرُمَةٍ
يَوماً وَيُترَكُ مَولى العُرفِ ما حُمِدا