1. With gentle words he calmed his heated foe
How many glances are soothed by soft rebuke?
١. تَرَجَّ بِلُطفِ القَولِ رَدَّ مُخالِفٍ
إِلَيكَ فَكَم طِرفٍ يُسَكَّنُ بِالنَقرِ
2. The dove may never see the hawk as friend
Yet wariness of hawks is the leaves' wont
٢. وَإِن لَم تَرَ الصَقرَ الحَمامَةُ دَهرَها
فَمِن شِيَمِ الوُرقِ الحِذارُ مِنَ الصَقرِ
3. If a guest should come, compelled by need
Sustenance for the starved is food enough
٣. وَإِن جاءَ ضَيفٌ طارِقٌ عَن ضَرورَةٍ
فَذُخرٌ لِقاريهِ الطَعامُ الَّذي يَقري
4. A habit you'd acquired you later dropped
Not heedlessness of right nor disregard
٤. تَعَوَّدتَ مِنّي عادَةً فَتَرَكتَها
وَما ذاكَ مِن نِسيانِ حَقٍّ وَلا حُقرِ
5. Contentment of the soul is riches indeed
As greed's excess is poverty's worst need
٥. وَإِنَّ اِقتِناعَ النَفسِ مِن أَحسَنِ الغِنى
كَما أَنَّ سوءَ الحِرصِ مِن أَقبَحِ الفَقرِ