
A punishment from my God reminded me,

ذكرتني عقوبة من إلهي

1. A punishment from my God reminded me,
So my heart took flight to be admonished.

١. ذَكَّرَتني عُقوبَةٌ مِن إِلَهي
فَاِستُطيرَ الفُؤادُ لِلتَذكيرِ

2. Reflect, you may guide mankind
To the problems through thinking.

٢. فَكِّري أَنتِ رُبَّما هُديَ الإِن
سانُ لِلمُشكِلاتِ بِالتَفكيرِ

3. What do we gain in this life
With prolonged travel and early rising?

٣. ما الَّذي نَستَفيدُ في هَذِهِ الدُنّ
يا بِطولِ الرَواحِ وَالتَبكيرِ

4. The tree of living is a mine of disasters
Where birds perished by determination.

٤. شَجَرُ العَيشِ مَعدِنٌ لِلرَزايا
أَودَتِ الطَيرَ فيهِ بِالتَوكيرِ

5. We are all departing, inclining to the shadows,
And the days are intent on glooming.

٥. كُلُّنا غادِرٌ يَميلُ إِلى الظُل
مِ وَصَفوُ الأَيّامِ لِلتَعكيرِ

6. And people are like the perverse,
Except for the difference of feminizing and masculinizing.

٦. وَرِجالُ الأَنامِ مِثلُ الغَواني
غَيرَ فَرقِ التَأنيثِ وَالتَذكيرِ

7. She made me known until the nights were familiar,
Then bid farewell to me with estrangement.

٧. عَرَّفَتني حَتّى شُهِرتُ اللَيالي
ثُمَّ صالَت عَلَيَّ بِالتَنكيرِ

8. So count me as silver refined
In every age with the touch of fire and bellows.

٨. فَاِحسُبيني كَفِضَّةٍ هُذِّبَت في
كُلِّ عَصرٍ بِمَسِّ نارٍ وَكيرِ

9. Deliver me from the straits of where I am
And cast me to the unknown and unrecognizable.

٩. خَلِّصيني مِن ضَنكِ ما أَنا فيهِ
وَاِطرَحيني لِمَنكَرٍ وَنَكيرِ

10. And beware of your brother, father, and mother,
And shut the doors with double locking.

١٠. وَاِحذَري مِن أَخيكِ وَالأَبُ وَالأُمِّ
وَشُدّي الرِتاجَ بِالتَسكيرِ