
Life and death and awaiting resurrection

حياة وموت وانتظار قيامة

1. Life and death and awaiting resurrection
Three things that brought us thousands of meanings

١. حَياةٌ وَمَوتٌ وَاِنتِظارُ قِيامَةٍ
ثَلاثٌ أَفادَتنا أُلوفَ مَعانِ

2. So do not let this world delude you, it
Will leave its people in miserable separation

٢. فَلا تَمهَرا الدُنيا المُروءَةَ إِنَّها
تُفارِقُ أَهليها فِراقَ لِعانِ

3. Do not seek it through swords and spears
With days of fighting or days of stabbing

٣. وَلا تَطلُباها مِن سِنانٍ وَصارِمٍ
بِيَومِ ضِرابٍ أَو بِيَومِ طِعانِ

4. And if you both wish to be rid of its troubles
Unburden yourselves and follow me

٤. وَإِن شِئتُما أَن تَخلُصا مِن أَذاتِها
فَحُطّا بِها الأَثقالَ وَاِتَّبِعاني

5. It did not trouble me, no unjust attack
Nor did I shy from guiding it aright

٥. فَما راعَني مِنها تَهَجُّمٌ ظالِمٍ
وَلا خِمتُ عَن وَهدٍ لَها وَرِعانِ

6. My secret was never revealed to any listening ear
Whether with lips or ears listening

٦. وَلا حَلَّ سَرِيَّ قَطُّ في أُذنِ سامِعٍ
وَشِنفاهُ أَو قُرطاهُ يَستَمِعانِ

7. I did not watch the two eagles in the darkness of night
I imagined both grasped in each hand

٧. وَلَم أَرقُبِ النَسرَينَ في حَومَةِ الدُجى
أَظُنُّهُما في كَفَّتَي يَقَعانِ

8. I wondered at the brilliant dawn and its opposite
Shining on the people of this earth

٨. عَجِبتُ مِنَ الصُبحِ المُنيرِ وَضِدِّهِ
عَلى أَهلِ هَذي الأَرضِ يَطَّلِعانِ

9. And they forced me out against my will
As if there was no room for me between them

٩. وَقَد أَخرَجاني بِالكَراهَةِ مِنهُما
كَأَنَّهُما لِلضيقِ ما وَسِعاني

10. How could I hope for good from them
When between them I was torn by beasts

١٠. وَكَيفَ أُرَجّي الخَيرَ يَصدُرُ عَنهُما
وَقَد أَكَلَتني فيهِما الضَبُعانِ

11. He who equated them in his reasoning was no kin
No, they are vicious beasts

١١. وَما بَرَّ مَن ساواهُما في قِياسِهِ
بِبِرَّي عُقوقٍ بَل هُما سَبُعانِ

12. None ever died just once between them
Like two adversaries devouring souls

١٢. وَما ماتَ مَيتٌ مَرَّةً في سِواهِما
كَخَصمَينِ في الأَرواحِ يَفتَرِعانِ

13. They turned away and said, “You are lost, we have no place”
And laid me to rest in a narrow grave

١٣. أَشاحا فَقالا ضِلَّةً لَيسَ عِندَنا
مَحَلٌّ وَفي ضيقِ الثَرى وَضَعاني

14. Capricorn and Mars are subjugated slaves
I do not care if they have abandoned me

١٤. وَكيوانُ وَالمِرّيخُ عَبدانِ سُخِّرا
وَلَستُ أُبالي إِن هُما فَرَعاني

15. Had the Shaper of stars wished with His subtlety
He could have made them like Jupiter and called me

١٥. وَلَو شاءَ مَن صاغَ النُجومَ بِلُطفِهِ
لَصاغَهُما كَالمُشتَري وَدَعانِ

16. Can the Master of Decree invert this creation?
Perhaps fate and fortune may convene

١٦. أَيَعكِسُ هَذا الخَلقَ مالِكُ أَمرِهِ
لَعَلَّ الحِجى وَالحَظُّ يَجتَمِعانِ