
Time is like a quarter, its state unknown

الدهر كالربع لم يعلم بحالته

1. Time is like a quarter, its state unknown
Does the owner of the house have news of its dwellers?

١. الدَهرُ كَالرَبعِ لَم يَعلَم بِحالَتِهِ
هَل عِندَ ذي الدارِ مِن سُكّانِها خَبَرُ

2. It will continue to advance until it hides within it
The evil of daylight and old age destroys it

٢. وَسَوفَ يَقدُمُ حَتّى يَستَسِرَّ بِهِ
سَنا النَهارِ وَيُفني شَرخَهُ الكِبَرُ