
Your old age is better for you than a shining pearl

سنك خير لك من درة

1. Your old age is better for you than a shining pearl
That delights the eyes of onlookers

١. سِنُّكَ خَيرٌ لَكَ مِن دُرَّةٍ
زَهراءَ تُعشي أَعيُنَ الناظِرين

2. I wondered at the one striking in darkness
Who did not obey the mockers and commanders

٢. عَجِبتُ لِلضارِبِ في غَمرَةٍ
لَم يُطِعِ الناهِزينَ وَالآمِرين

3. He breaks pearls in his ignorance
Wood too hard for the fingers of breakers

٣. يَكسِرُ بِاللُؤلُؤِ مِن جَهلِهِ
خُشُباً عَتَت عَن أَنمُلِ الكاسِرين

4. If one has wealth that imprisons him
Then I am not of the imprisoned

٤. مَن كانَ مِن أَسراهُ مالٌ لَهُ
فَلَستَ لِلمالِ مِنَ الآسِرين

5. I count the most profitable gain to be piety
So I will not be among the losers

٥. أَعُدُّ أَسنى الرِبحِ فِعلَ التُقى
فَلا أَكُن رَبِّ مِنَ الخاسِرين