1. The daughter of a people has honored you,
Through her grace you have drunk the choicest wine,
١. لَقَد كَرُمَت عَلَيكَ فَتاةُ قَومٍ
شَرِبتَ بِفَضلِها فَضَلاتِ كَرمِ
2. Though you blame her, and purposely accuse her of sin,
While you are excused with barley gruel.
٢. وَسُقتَ إِلَيكَ سوءَ الجُرمِ عَمداً
وَأَنتَ مُعَلَّلٌ بِسَويقِ جَرمِ
3. I see the pyramids restore the flow of a spring,
Though the cross be like the shoot of a pyramid.
٣. أَرى هَرِماً يُعيدُ نَباتَ نَبعٍ
وَإِن كانَ الصَليبُ كَنَبتِ هَرمِ
4. Disappointed is he who milked with his hands,
The foolishness of his mind with harm and loss.
٤. لَقَد خابَ الَّذي حَلَبَت يَداهُ
سَفاهَةَ عَقلِهِ بِأَذىً وَغَرمِ
5. The roar of a lion will silence every voice,
And the news of a mournful one and the murmur of locusts.
٥. سَيُخفِتُ كُلَّ صَوتٍ زَأرُ لَيثٍ
وَنَبأَةُ باغِمٍ وَهَديرُ قَرمِ
6. She has thrown at me when I have a lute and a bow,
My hands and arrows - so how can I shoot?
٦. رَماني مَن لَهُ وَتَري وَقَوسي
وَكَفّي وَالسِهامُ فَكَيفَ أَرمي