
Be charitable to the blind by taking his right hand

تصدق على الأعمى بأخذ يمينه

1. Be charitable to the blind by taking his right hand
To guide him, and have faith in making the deaf hear,

١. تَصَدَّق عَلى الأَعمى بِأَخذِ يَمينِهِ
لِتَهدِيَهُ وَاِمنُن بِإِفهامِكَ الصُمّا

2. And your singing to the lute that its loss was lamented
Is upon you, so why does man complain wherever he goes?

٢. وَإِنشادُكَ العَودَ الَّذي ضَلَّ نَعيُهُ
عَلَيكَ فَما بالُ اِمرِئٍ حَيثَما أَمّا

3. And give your father half while he's alive and dead,
And prefer him with the highest of his mother's honor.

٣. وَأَعطِ أَباكَ النَصفَ حَيّاً وَمَيِّتاً
وَفَضِّل عَلَيهِ مِن كَرامَتِها الأُمّا

4. She carried you lightly when heaviness burdened you,
And suckled you two years bearing you completely.

٤. أَقَلَّكَ خِفّاً إِذا أَقَلَّتكَ مُثقِلاً
وَأَرضَعَتِ الحَولَينِ وَاِحتَمَلَت تِمّا

5. She cast you off with effort and cast you for pleasure,
She held you and smelled you as any mother would hold or smell.

٥. وَأَلقَتكَ عَن جَهدٍ وَأَلقاكَ لِذَّةً
وَضَمَّت وَشَمَّت مِثلَما ضَمَّ أَو شَمّا

6. I thank my elders who raised me though I have rarely
Done anything but what deserves blame.

٦. وَأَحمَدُ سَمّاني كَبيري وَقَلَّما
فَعَلتُ سِوى ما أَستَحِقُّ بِهِ الذَمّا

7. Nights blame a people's condition even if they pardon
For a time, for the earth swallows them up eventually.

٧. تُلِمُّ اللَيالي شَأنَ قَومٍ وَإِن عَفَوا
زَماناً فَإِنَّ الأَرضَ تَأكُلُهُم لَمّا

8. They die of fever, drowning, in tumult and war,
And various deaths that met an appointed fate.

٨. يَموتونَ بِالحُمّى وَغَرقى وَفي الوَغى
وَشَتّى مَنايا صادَفَت قَدَراً حُمّا

9. It is easy for my soul that I have saddened with sorrow
To pass the night with Suhail for the riders in gloom.

٩. وَسَهلٌ عَلى نَفسي الَّتي رُمتُ حُزنَها
مَبيتُ سُهَيلٍ لِلرَكائِبِ مُؤتَمّا

10. I am not saddened for a house that has become desolate
Nor grieving the departure of a mount if it became unsaddled.

١٠. وَما أَنا بِالمَحزونِ لِلدارِ أَوحَشَت
وَلا آسِفٌ إِثرَ المَطِيِّ إِذا زُمّا

11. If you wish then traverse the open plains,
And if you wish then traverse its lofty summits.

١١. فَإِن شِئتُم فَاِرموا سُهوباً رَحيبَةً
وَإِن شِئتُم فَاِعلوا مَناكِبَها الشَمّا

12. A spurious man attacked with swords and claimed
Like a piercing darkness that attacked with blades.

١٢. وَزاكٍ تَرَدّى بِالطَيالِسِ وَاِدَّعى
كَذِمرٍ تَرَدّى بِالصَوارِمِ وَاِعتَمّا

13. This life does not stop weighing down the young man
With burdens until it makes him carry worries.

١٣. وَلَم يَكفِ هَذا الدَهرَ ما حَمَلَ الفَتى
مِنَ الثِقلِ حَتّى رَدَّهُ يَحمِلُ الهَمّا

14. If the mind's intellect were complete in the body
It would not harbor within it anything that pains it.

١٤. وَلَو كانَ عَقلُ النَفسِ في الجِسمِ كامِلاً
لَما أَضمَرَت فيما يُلَمُّ بِها غَمّا

15. I have a hope that grew up with me and accompanied me
Before youth, and never worried.

١٥. وَلي أَمَلٌ قَد شُبتُ وَهوَ مُصاحِبي
وَساوَدَني قَبلَ السَوادِ وَما هَمّا

16. When does an outsider offer you advice
And you don't tell it fully? Love the companion even if he is blamed.

١٦. مَتى يُولِكَ المَرءُ الغَريبُ نَصيحَةً
فَلا تُقصِهِ وَأحبُ الرَفيقَ وَإِن ذَمّا

17. Do not be one who draws the servant near only to neglect him
When he grows old and worries.

١٧. وَلا تَكُ مِمَّن قَرَّبَ العَبدَ شارِخاً
وَضَيَّعَهُ إِذ صارَ مِن كِبَرٍ هِمّا

18. The night is an excellent ship if it passes concealing
Your passions, and keep far from the morn if it slept.

١٨. فَنِعمَ الدَفينُ اللَيلُ إِن باتَ كاتِماً
هَواكَ وَبُعداً لِلصَباحِ إِذا نَمّا

19. I warned you against the arrow of harm whose feathers betrayal
Had trimmed, and anger had notched, or poisoned.

١٩. ذنَهَيتُكَ عَن سَهمِ الأَذى ريشَ بِالخَنى
وَنَصَّلَهُ غَيظٌ فَأُرهِفَ أَو سُمّا

20. So I sent it to rouse the waters raging
Or to drain the sea if it overflowed.

٢٠. فَأَرسَلتُهُ يَستَنهِضُ الماءَ سائِحاً
وَقَد غاضَ أَو يَستَنضِبُ البَحرَ إِذ طَما

21. It leaves thirst in the sands without benefit
Even if it overflowed fresh in its midriff with water.

٢١. يُغادِرُ ظِمأً في الحَشا غَيرَ نافِعٍ
وَلَو غاضَ عذباً في جَوانِحِهِ اليَمّا

22. And man might resemble one who came for his guidance
From afar, while his likeness is actually the mole and pimple.

٢٢. وَقد يُشبِهُّ الإِنسانُ جاءَ لِرُشدِهِ
بَعيداً وَيَعدو شِبهُهُ الخالَ وَالعَمّا

23. And I do not see in any birth the judgment of a midwife,
And how many seeds have produced foolish sprouts?

٢٣. وَلَستُ أَرى في مَولِدٍ حُكمَ قائِفٍ
وَكَم مِن نَواةٍ أَنبَتَت سُحُقاً عُمّا

24. I have cast forth a bit of the faults of the truthful
May their people reward them for it with abundant lies.

٢٤. رَمَيتُ بِنَزرٍ مِن مَعائِبَ صادِقاً
جَزاكَ بِها أَربابُها كَذِباً جَمّا

25. I entrusted my heart to the whole group of them
And held back when they exaggerated the cave or bent it.

٢٥. ضَمِنتُ فُؤادي لِلمَعشِرِ كُلِّهِم
وَأَمسَكتُ لَمّا عَظَّموا الغارَ أَو خَمّا