
The joy of wine did not last,

إن سرور المدام لم يدم

1. The joy of wine did not last,
Rather it was followed by worries and gloom.

١. إِنَّ سُرورَ المُدامِ لَم يَدُمِ
بَل أَعقَبَت بِالهُمومِ وَالسَدمِ

2. And the cup trips from cup to cup,
Regret is an utterance that came from regret.

٢. وَالكَأسُ مِن كاسَ في التَعَثُّرِ وَال
نُدمانُ لَفظٌ أَتى مِنَ النَدَمِ

3. It did not stop being reckless with it jokingly,
Until it bent, destitute, from nonexistence.

٣. ما زالَ مُستَهتِراً بِها لَهِجاً
حَتّى اِنثَنى موسِراً مِنَ العَدَمِ

4. How can it still be a drinker,
With family after the nightcaps and servants?

٤. كَيفَ لَهُ أَن يَكونَ شارِبَها
بِالأَهلِ بَعدَ السَوامِ وَالخَدَمِ

5. It came rushing to its mouth with it,
Until it climbed, its flesh overflowing with blood.

٥. أَقبَلَ يُهوي بِها إِلى فَمِهِ
حَتّى تَرقّى يَفري مِنَ الأَدَمِ

6. The skin and bones are expanded for it,
Layers congealed blood with blood.

٦. يُوَسَّعُ الجِلدَ وَالعِظامَ لَها
أَطبِقَةً مازَجَت دَماً بِدَمِ

7. Murdered yet laughing in the present,
Trampled in the past by feet.

٧. مَقتولَةٌ في الحَديثِ ضاحِكَةٌ
مَوطوءَةٌ في القَديمِ بِالقَدَمِ

8. The secret was revealed after its concealment,
By one saying, by time and antiquity.

٨. قَد ظَهَرَ السِرُّ بَعدَ خُفيَتِهِ
مِن قائِلٍ بِالزَمانِ وَالقِدَمِ

9. Neither meadows nor flowers nor
The steps of the gardens of returned Aad endured.

٩. لَم تُخلِدِ الراحُ وَالمَزاهِرُ وَال
قَيناتُ حَيَّي عادٍ وَلا قُدُمِ