
And matters are understood according to fate, so how often have you been mistaken,

والأمر يدرك عن قدر فكم خطئت

1. And matters are understood according to fate, so how often have you been mistaken,
The steadfastness of Makith and the hastiness of Al-Akhras the impetuous,

١. وَالأَمرُ يُدرَكُ عَن قَدرٍ فَكَم خَطِئَت
نَبلُ المَكيثِ وَصابَ الأَخرَقُ العَجِلُ

2. And the safety of your world from an ignorance that gives birth to it,
And the reasonable person in it is fearful and dreadful,

٢. وَأَمنُ دُنياكَ مِن جَهلٍ تَوَلُّدُهُ
وَصاحِبُ العَقلِ فيها خائِفٌ وَجِلُ

3. And time is a poet of afflictions that it composes for people,
It ponders plots and improvises,

٣. وَالدَهرُ شاعِرٌ آفاتٍ يَفوهُ بِها
لِلناسِ يُفَكِرُ تاراتٍ وَيَرتَجِلُ

4. Evil is innate and a person's world is a guide,
To his passions and desires are perils.

٤. الشَرُّ طَبَعٌ وَدُنيا المَرءِ قائِدَةٌ
إِلى دُناياهُ وَالأَهواءُ أَهوالُ