1. Do not cause a cut in hand or foot,
Nor expose the world to bloodshed.
١. لا تُحدِثِ القَطعَ في كَفٍّ وَلا قَدَمٍ
وَلا تُعَرِّض مِدى الدُنيا لِسَفكِ دَمِ
2. And leave the one who portrayed ghosts as omnipotent-
If he solves them then he is the Lord of eternity and antiquity.
٢. وَخَلِّ مَن صَوَّرَ الأَشباحَ مُقتَدِراً
يَحُلُّها فَهوَ رَبُّ الدَهرِ وَالقِدَمِ
3. And the smallest particle becomes a nation to him,
The sun and moon counted among his servants.
٣. وَتُصبِحُ الذَرَّةُ الصُغرى لَهُ أَمَةً
وَالشَمسُ وَالبَدرُ مَعدودَينِ في الخَدَمِ
4. I was sorry for the good when I knew of it,
And how I was not sorry for it, that it did not last.
٤. وَقَدَ أَسِفتُ لِخَيرٍ إِذ عَلِمتُ بِهِ
وَما أَسِفتُ عَلَيهِ كَيفَ لَم يَدُمِ
5. And I have no benefit from regrets I become happy with,
When separation throws me into regret.
٥. وَما اِنتِفاعي بِنَدمانٍ أُسَرُّ بِهِ
إِذا الفِراقُ رَماني مِنهُ بِالنَدَمِ
6. The sorrow of a soul is no easy thing-
Its fate after finding is to non-existence.
٦. وَإِنَّ حَسرَةَ نَفسٍ غَيرَ هَيِّنَةٍ
مَصيرُها بَعدَ إيجادٍ إِلى عَدَمِ
7. If the dead doubted being stabbed, it would not feel pain-
So the spear in it is like a bead piercing leather.
٧. لَو شَكَّ بِالطَعنِ مَيتٌ لَم يَجِد أَلَماً
فَالرُمحُ فيهِ كَإِشفى الخَرزِ في الأَدَمِ
8. It is the same whether to dress it in fine wraps
Or toss it into fierce flames.
٨. سِيّانِ إِلباسُهُ ما لانَ مِن كَفَنٍ
وَطَرحُهُ في لَظىً لِلنارِ مُحتَدِمِ